


我有一台Mac 10.8.2山狮,当我尝试使用sudo命令时,我得到了:

I have a mac 10.8.2 mountain lion and when i try to use the sudo command i get this:

 sudo: /private/etc/sudoers is owned by uid 501, should be 0
 sudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting


I have searched google all over and tried a couple of things but one thing kinda fixed my orignal perm problem with 0440 being 0640 or something but i got this. Any help will be appreciated



The easiest way to fix this is with Disk Utility's Repair Disk Permissions feature. Run Disk Utility, select your startup volume in the sidebar, select the First Sid tab, and click Repair Disk Permissions.


And in the future, use the visudo command to edit the sudoers file to avoid this sort of problem.

更新:El Capitain(10.11)已删除了修复磁盘权限"功能,因为(主要)它已由系统完整性保护.如果您需要在10.11或更高版本中修复/etc/sudoers上的权限,可以从AppleScript中进行:

Update: the Repair Disk Permissions feature was removed in El Capitain (10.11), because it's (mostly) replaced by System Integrity Protection. If you need to fix the permissions on /etc/sudoers in 10.11 or later, you can do it from AppleScript:

  1. 打开脚本编辑器实用程序.
  2. 如果没有自动打开新的(空白)脚本窗口,请选择文件"菜单>新建"(或按Command-N键)以打开一个窗口.
  3. 输入以下脚本:

  1. Open the Script Editor utility.
  2. If a new (blank) script window doesn't open automatically, choose File menu > New (or press Command-N) to open one.
  3. Enter the following script:

do shell script "chown root:wheel /etc/sudoers; chmod 440 /etc/sudoers; chmod -N /etc/sudoers" with administrator privileges

  • 选择脚本"菜单>编译"(或按Command-K,或单击工具栏中的编译"按钮).它应该给脚本着色以指示AppleScript语法.如果报告任何错误,请确保您正确复制了脚本.

  • Choose Script menu > Compile (or press Command-K, or click the Compile button in the toolbar). It should colorize the script to indicate the AppleScript syntax. If it reports any errors, make sure you copied the script correctly.



  • 09-07 00:21