

我在Nuget Package Manager控制台中从nuget安装了paket,

I installed paket from nuget in Nuget Package Manager Console with:

然后我尝试运行 paket convert-from-nuget 。它在用户提示符下停滞了(它不允许我在包管理器控制台中键入内容)。我的下一个想法是从命令行运行它,但没有记录如何

I then tried to run paket convert-from-nuget. It stalled out on a user prompt (it wouldn't let me type into the package manager console). My next thought was to run it from command line, but how to do so is not documented.

只需放入将paket convert-from-nuget 转换为标准dev命令提示符会导致错误,提示无法识别 paket。

Just putting paket convert-from-nuget into a standard dev command prompt results in an error saying "paket" is not recognized.


How do I run paket from the command line or powershell, and how do you specify which solution to work against?



The way to setup paket in your repository is as follow:

这是一个轻量级实用程序,可获取并更新 paket.exe ,从官方发布页面中选择稳定版本:

This is a lightweight utility which obtains and updates paket.exe, pick stable release from official release page:

md .paket


3 put the downloaded bootstrapper in this folder and invoke it

cd .paket

现在您已经准备好使用最新的 paket.exe 您对依赖性的处理。

now you have an up-to-date paket.exe ready to ease your handling of dependencies.

cd ..
.paket\paket convert-from-nuget

请签出还是Visual Studio插件,可帮助您创作 paket.dependencies paket.references 文件

Please checkout the https://github.com/fsprojects/Paket.VisualStudio also for Visual Studio plugin to help you authoring paket.dependencies and paket.references file


Please also join https://gitter.im/fsprojects/Paket if you have any questions.


07-10 04:56