本文介绍了Gitkraken不显示分支和提交的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 当我尝试使用Gitkraken在xampp服务器中打开存储库时,我无法查看分支或提交,仅显示消息显示2000个提交.在首选项"中调整此设置".我试图重新安装Gitkraken,重新打开存储库,然后重新启动xampp/我的计算机,但是它不起作用.我的电脑是配备macOS Mojave 10.14.6的MacBook Pro(Retina,13英寸,2015年初). When I try to open a repository in a xampp server with Gitkraken I can't view branches or commits, just the message "Displaying 2000 commits. Adjust this setting in Preferences". I tried to reinstall Gitkraken, reopen the repository and reboot xampp/my computer but it didn't work. My computer is a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015) with macOS Mojave 10.14.6. 推荐答案之所以要这样做,是因为我不得不以有限的深度签出我的仓库.完全克隆仓库是一个封闭的连接,所以我签出了一个浅表副本:Ran into this because I had to check out my repo with limited depth.Cloning the repo fully ran into a closed connection, so I checked out a shallow copy:但是,这导致GitKraken忽略了您遇到的历史.吉特·克拉肯(GitKraken)不能很好地处理深度.为了修复它,我必须在初始克隆之后运行它:But this resulted in GitKraken omitting the history like what you ran into. GitKraken didn't handle the depth nicely; in order to fix it, I had to run this after the initial clone:更新:我不确定这是否与您遇到的情况相同,但是GitKraken开发人员团队回应我说该应用程序尚不支持浅表副本:为什么Gitkraken在大型存储库中不显示任何日志? Update:I'm not sure if this was the same situation as what you ran into, but the GitKraken dev team responded to me saying the app doesn't support shallow copies yet: Why Gitkraken does not display any logs in big repos? 这篇关于Gitkraken不显示分支和提交的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-16 13:41