


I'll create a EML file with an attachment using JavaMail.


I created a simple EML file successfully, but adding an attachment don't work properly. I'm going to add a PDF file. My EML file will be created successfully. If I open the generated EML file with Outlook I'll find not my PDF file as attachment but I'll find the EML file itself as attachment. Does anyone has an idea?

我尝试了两个变种(结果相同),我使用 FileDataSource 类和<$的简单方法C $ C> MimeBodyPart的#attachFile(文件)。

I tried two variants (with same result), I used the FileDataSource class and the simple way with MimeBodyPart#attachFile(File).


File pdfFile = new File("somePdfFile");

Properties p = System.getProperties();
Session session = Session.getInstance(p);
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(session);
// MimeBodyPart txt = new MimeBodyPart();
// txt.setText("");
MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart();
// FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(attachment);
// fds.setFileTypeMap(new FileTypeMap() {
//   @Override
//   public String getContentType(String arg0) {
//     return "application/pdf";
//   }
//    @Override
//    public String getContentType(File file) {
//      return "application/pdf";
//    }
//  });
//  mbp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));
//  mbp.setFileName("\"" + attachment.getName() + "\"");
//  mbp.setDisposition(MimePart.ATTACHMENT);
//  mbp.setHeader("Content-ID", "Attachment");
Multipart mp = new MimeMultipart();
//  mp.addBodyPart(txt);
File emlFile = new File("message.eml");
message.writeTo(new FileOutputStream(emlFile));

// do something with the EML file
// Desktop.getDesktop().open(emlFile);

感谢您的回复。我上传了一个PDF文件(我用于测试,它是一个用Crystal Reports生成的简单HelloWorld)和生成的EML文件,应该包含PDF文件。

Thank you for your response. I uploaded a PDF file (that I use for testing, it's a simple HelloWorld generated with Crystal Reports) and the generated EML file which should include the PDF file.

我只是注意到如果我用Apple Mail或Outlook Express打开链接的EML文件,它可以工作(但没有编辑可能性)。也许这是Microsoft Outlook的问题?

I just noticed that if I open the linked EML file with Apple Mail or with Outlook Express it works (but without edit possibility). Maybe it's an issue of Microsoft Outlook?




You should try adding the header lines I mentioned to the very top of the message and see how Outlook deals with it then. Add a To:, From:, Subject: and maybe even a Date: with real data in them, and Outlook is more likely to treat it as a message, rather that just a file.


10-22 10:04