

我正在使用 THREE.JSONLoader 对象创建 THREE.Mesh 对象,如下所示:

I am creating a THREE.Mesh object using a THREE.JSONLoader object like so:

// Create castle.
loader.load('/Meshes/CastleTower.js', function(geometry, materials) {
    var tmp_material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial();
    THREE.ColorUtils.adjustHSV(tmp_material.color, 0, 0, 0.9);

    var castle = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, tmp_material);
    castle.scale.set(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);

是否可以创建 CANNON.RigidBody 来自 THREE.Mesh var castle )或 THREE.Geometry var geometry )对象?

Is it possible to create a CANNON.RigidBody from the THREE.Mesh (var castle) or THREE.Geometry (var geometry) object?

我使用Blender,从盒子中创建了一个新城堡,它为Three.js格式。如果将质量设置为 0 CANNON.Body ,它将保持静态。 非常完美......

I used Blender, created a new castle from boxes, and exported it to the Three.js format. If you set the mass to 0 of a CANNON.Body, it remains static. This worked out perfectly...



Well it depends on how exact the physical representatin of your model should be. I'm not very familiar with cannon.js, but here are some options I know:

  • 使用computeBoundingBox并在你的塔上创建一个带有这些边界的cannon.js框

  • 以类似的方式使用computeBoundingSphere

  • 将物理学用于凹面(即任意)网格。这是性能最耗的方式。 Cannon.js在这里有一个例子:

  • use "computeBoundingBox" and on your tower and create a cannon.js box with those bounds
  • use "computeBoundingSphere" in a similar way
  • use physics for a concave (i.e. arbitrary) mesh. This is the most performance consuming way. Cannon.js has an example here: http://schteppe.github.io/cannon.js/demos/bunny.html

非cannon.js相关方法将是例如使用重播。 Recast会为您加载.obj文件,并根据您的设置为您创建导航网格。然后你可以在那里走动(如果你有像游戏一样的RTS鸟瞰图,或者跑来跑去的机器人,那就太棒了)。可以在此处找到重铸javascript端口: https://github.com/vincent/recast.js

A non cannon.js related approach would be to e.g. use Recast. Recast would load your .obj file for you and create a navigation mesh for you according to your settings. Then you could walk around there (absolutely great if you have a RTS birdview like game, or bots running around). A recast javascript port can be found here: https://github.com/vincent/recast.js



07-10 02:09