

我想在多线程中使用threeJS的dracoLoader,然后我选择了Webworker和IndexedDB。我在webworker中获得了正确的Geometry,但是,当我使用IndexedDB将数据传递给主线程时,几何体将更改为普通的JS对象而不是ThreeJS Geometry。几何图形失去了它的功能和一些信息。

I want to use dracoLoader of threeJS in multi-threads, then I selected Webworker and IndexedDB. I have gotten the correct Geometry in webworker, however, when I pass data to main thread using IndexedDB, the geometry will be changed to a normal JS object instead of a ThreeJS Geometry. The geometry lost its functions and some information.



self.saveDrcToIndexedDB = function (drcfinal) {

  var db;
  var request = indexedDB.open("drcDB");

  drcfinal.indexName = self.randomStr();

  request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {

    console.log('successfully upgraded db');  

    db = event.target.result;
    var objectStore = db.createObjectStore("drcfinal", { keyPath: "indexName"});

  request.onsuccess = function(event) {

    console.log('successfully opened db');

    db = event.target.result;
    var transaction = db.transaction(["drcfinal"], "readwrite");

    var objectStore = transaction.objectStore("drcfinal");
    objectStore.add(drcfinal).onsuccess = function(event) {


var worker = new Worker('webworker.js');

worker.addEventListener('message', function(e) {

  indexedDB.open("drcDB").onsuccess = function(event) {

    let db = event.target.result;   
    let objectStore = db.transaction(["drcfinal"]).objectStore("drcfinal");

    objectStore.get(e.data).onsuccess = function(event) {

}, false);



Can I transfer a correct geometry to main thread? Or using other tools instead of IndexedDB? Or using other multi-threading tools instead of webworker?


一种名为。同样适用于通过 postMessage 向WebWorkers发送消息。这种方法不可能复制函数。因此,您无法传输包括其方法在内的完整对象。简单地说,这是一个更好的 JSON.stringify / parse 方法,因为结构化克隆可以例如处理循环依赖。

A mechanism called Structured Cloning is used when storing data in IndexedDB. Same applies to sending messages to and from WebWorkers via postMessage. It is not possible with this approach to duplicate functions. Thus you cannot transfer complete objects including their methods. Simply put, it is a better JSON.stringify/parse approach since Structured Cloning can e.g. handle cyclic dependencies.


AFAIK all web-browser available multi threading mechanisms such as WebWorker, SharedWorker and ServiceWorker use this actor based message sending approach.

但是,您可以使用。这样,您可以将 THREE.Geometry 的顶点数组作为 Transferable 发送。例如。在WebWorker中使用 THREE.BufferGeometry 时。

However, you could use a Transferable object to transfer data from a WebWorker to the main thread using Worker.postMessage. This way, you could send THREE.Geometry's vertex array as a Transferable. E.g. when using a THREE.BufferGeometry within WebWorker.

const myVertexData = bufferGeometry.getAttribute('position').array.buffer;
self.postMessage({myVertices: myVertexData}, [myVertexData]);


This is quite fast since the data is not copied but only its ownership is changed.


10-19 09:49