

虽然我在 TUI 模式下的 GDB 中调试代码,但在 Control + L 无法清除控制台。那么,当我处于 TUI 模式时,如何清除控制台?它只是刷新屏幕,但不清除控制台。我查看了GDB的官方网站,但是正如我所说的,只有 Control + L ,但这只能在TUI模式下清除控制台,而

While i am debugging my code in GDB in TUI mode Control + L wont work to clear console. So how am i able to clear console while i am in TUI mode? It just refreshes the screen but doesnt clear the console. I looked at the GDB's official website but as i said, there is only Control + L, but that only clears console while not in TUI mode.




The following works, but is a bit of a cheat:

control x-a
control L
control x-a


i.e. get out of TUI, clear console, and get back in.

也许您会遇到更好的运气,但我认为'shell clear'或'shell reset'可能有用在TUI会话中,但两者(尤其是重置)都使curses状态明显混淆。

Perhaps you'll have better luck, but I thought 'shell clear' or 'shell reset' might work while in a TUI session, but both (esp. reset) confused the curses state significantly.


09-14 21:16