


InfModel infmodel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, m);
Resource vegetarian = infmodel.getResource(source + "Vegetarian");
Resource margherita = infmodel.getResource(source + "Example-Margherita");
if (infmodel.contains(margherita, RDF., vegetarian)) {
        System.out.println("Margherita is a memberOf Vegetarian pizza");


The example given above is formed by formal pizza.owl. In this owl, Example-Margherita is an individual of Margherita class. So, it is already written in owl file. However, the problem is that the reasoner should infer that margherita-example should be also an vegetarian pizza.Could anyone please give an example that shows how to find an individual's possible inferred classes like in Protege ?(Protege correctly infers that Example-Margherita is a Vegetarian Pizza. However, I can't infer programmatically)



I solved my question. I think there was a problem with my ontology. Therefore, I created another ontology to infer individuals. The ontology that I created contains Person and subclasses of Person : MalePerson, FemalePerson and MarriedPerson. And, there are two object properties(hasSpouse, hasSibling) and one data type property(hasAge).And, I created 3 individuals.John - MalePerson - hasAge(20) - hasSibling(Jane)Jane - FemalePerson - hasSibling(John) - hasSpouse(Bob)Bob - MalePerson - hasSpouse(Jane)

并且,我对MalePerson和FemalePerson类设置了两个限制.对于MalePerson:hasSpouse最大1hasSpouse only MalePerson对于FemalePerson:hasSpouse最大1hasSpouse only FemalePerson

And, I put two restrictions for MalePerson and FemalePerson classes.For MalePerson :hasSpouse max 1hasSpouse only MalePersonFor FemalePerson :hasSpouse max 1hasSpouse only FemalePerson


Lastly, I made MarriedPerson to be a defined class. Before reasoning, MarriedPerson has no individual. However, the model should infer that Jane and Bob are married. Therefore, at the end, MarriedPerson class should have 2 individuals.


When I ran this code in Java using Jena, I got 2 inferred individuals.

OntModel ontModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel();
    InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(inputFileName);
    if (in == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "File: " + inputFileName + " not found");
    ontModel.read(in, "");

    Reasoner reasoner = ReasonerRegistry.getOWLReasoner();
    reasoner = reasoner.bindSchema(ontModel);
    // Obtain standard OWL-DL spec and attach the Pellet reasoner
    OntModelSpec ontModelSpec = OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM;
    // Create ontology model with reasoner support
    OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(ontModelSpec, ontModel);

    // MarriedPerson has no asserted instances
    // However, if an inference engine is used, two of the three
    // individuals in the example presented here will be
    // recognized as MarriedPersons
            //ns is the uri
    OntClass marPerson = model.getOntClass(ns + "OWLClass_00000003866036241880"); // this is the uri for MarriedPerson class
    ExtendedIterator married = marPerson.listInstances();
    while(married.hasNext()) {
        OntResource mp = (OntResource)married.next();
    } // this code returns 2 individuals with the help of reasoner


07-10 00:25