

我正在尝试添加一条指向我的Cloudfront发行版的Route 53记录集。但是,当我在路径53中选择创建记录集并单击后续面板中的别名目标时,未列出云锋分布。我得到的只是没有目标可用。我的发布已创建并启用(并且正在运行)。我已经在我的发行版中添加了一个与在Route53中设置的域名相同的CName,但仍然没有显示。

I’m trying to add a route 53 record set that points to my cloudfront distribution. However, when I select ‘create record set’ in route 53 and click the alias target in the subsequent panel, the cloud front distribution is not listed. All I get is ‘No targets available’. My Distribution has been created and is enabled (and is working). I have added a CName to my distribution with the same domain name that I’m setting up in Route53, but it still doesn’t show.


How do I get my distribution to show in the Alias Target field so that I can point a Route53 ‘a’ record to it?




Combining several correct but incomplete answers:

  1. A 记录和 AAAA 受支持。不是 CNAME 记录。

  2. Route53的别名目标框与CloudFront发行版的备用域名字段匹配。如果您要为 something.example.com 创建新的记录集,则应该已经将其中一个分配的备用域名设置为 something.example.com

  3. Route53管理控制台的运行速度可能很慢,并且可能无法立即找到您的分发版本-等待分发状态为已部署

  1. Only A records and AAAA are supported. Not CNAME records.
  2. The Route53 "Alias Target" box matches against CloudFront distributions' "Alternate Domain Names" field. If you're creating a new record set for something.example.com, you should have already set the alternate domain name for one of your distributions to something.example.com.
  3. The Route53 Management Console can be slow, and it might not find your distribution right away — wait until the distribution status is Deployed.


09-11 22:58