

我现在正在放假,决定花时间学习Perl.我正在使用Beginning Perl( http://www.perl.org/books/beginning- perl/),我将在第三章结尾处完成练习.

I'm on break from classes right now and decided to spend my time learning Perl. I'm working with Beginning Perl (http://www.perl.org/books/beginning-perl/) and I'm finishing up the exercises at the end of chapter three.


One of the exercises asked that I "Store your important phone numbers in a hash. Write a program to look up numbers by the person's name."


Anyway, I had come up with this:

use warnings;
use strict;

my %name_number=
Home => "YYY YYY YYYY",
Emergency => "ZZZ ZZZ ZZZZ",
Lookup => "411"

print "Enter the name of who you want to call (Me, Home, Emergency, Lookup)", "\n";
my $input = <STDIN>;
print "$input can be reached at $name_number{$input}\n";


And it just wouldn't work. I kept getting this error message:


I tried playing around with the code some more but each "solution" looked more complex than the "solution" that came before it. Finally, I decided to check the answers.

我的代码和答案之间的唯一区别是在<STDIN>;之后出现了chomp ($input);.

The only difference between my code and the answer was the presence of chomp ($input); after <STDIN>;.


Now, the author has used chomp in previous example but he didn't really cover what chomp was doing. So, I found this answer on www.perlmeme.org:


Anyway, my questions are:

  1. 正在删除哪些换行符? Perl是否会自动将"\n"附加到<STDIN>的输入中?我只是有点不清楚,因为当我读到它实际上删除了与$/的当前值匹配的任何字符"时,我不禁想到我不记得在代码中的任何地方放置$/了" ."

  1. What newlines are getting removed? Does Perl automatically append a "\n" to the input from <STDIN>? I'm just a little unclear because when I read "it actually removes any character that matches the current value of $/", I can't help but think "I don't remember putting a $/ anywhere in my code."


I'd like to develop best practices as soon as possible - is it best to always include chomp after <STDIN> or are there scenarios where it's unnecessary?



<STDIN> reads to the end of the input string, which contains a newline if you press return to enter it, which you probably do.

chomp删除字符串末尾的换行符. $/是您可能不必担心的变量(如您所见,默认为换行符).它只是告诉perl输入记录分隔符"是什么,我假设这意味着它定义了<FILEHANDLE>读取的距离.您现在几乎可以忘记它,这似乎是一个高级话题.只是假装chomp排在结尾的换行符即可.老实说,我以前从未听说过$/.

chomp removes the newline at the end of a string. $/ is a variable (as you found, defaulting to newline) that you probably don't have to worry about; it just tells perl what the 'input record separator' is, which I'm assuming means it defines how far <FILEHANDLE> reads. You can pretty much forget about it for now, it seems like an advanced topic. Just pretend chomp chomps off a trailing newline. Honestly, I've never even heard of $/ before.


As for your other question, it is generally cleaner to always chomp variables and add newlines as needed later, because you don't always know if a variable has a newline or not; by always chomping variables you always get the same behavior. There are scenarios where it is unnecessary, but if you're not sure it can't hurt to chomp it.



07-09 23:18