

我有一个由Spring Roo生成的maven项目,并使用几个工具(checkstyle,pmd等)来收集有关我的项目的信息。 (即我正在使用)

I have a maven project generated by Spring Roo and use several tools (checkstyle, pmd etc.) to collect information about my project. (namely I am using codehaus' sonar for this)

分离持久性,javabeans-getter / setter等问题。

Roo makes heavy use of AspectJ Inter Type Declarations (ITD) to seperate concerns like persistence, javabeans-getter/setters etc.


These ITDs are woven in at compile-time so tools like checkstyle and pmd (who work on source-level) have a lot of false positives.


The only solution I currently see, is to deactivate checks for Classes that use ITDs.



我不知道您是否了解JetBrains的IntelliJ IDEA - Java IDE,但是已经在这方面做了工作,这里是您可能想要遵循的专用问题的链接:。只需设置一个手表 - 并在功能实施时得到通知。
IntelliJ IDEA提供非常强大的SCA。因此,ITD支持也应该具有高质量。

This answer would not help you right now, but hopefully it can be of interest for you, as it promises solution for your problem in a near future.I don't know whether you know IntelliJ IDEA - Java IDE from JetBrains, but there is already work being done in this direction, and here is the link to the dedicated issue that you might want to follow: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-26959. Just set a watch on it - and get notified when the feature is implemented.IntelliJ IDEA provides really powerful SCA. So, ITD support should be of a high quality as well.


07-09 21:48