


Write a recursive Scheme procedure count-dist elements that takes a list with duplicate elements and returns the number of distinct elements in the list.


This is my code, but it is not working correctly. Please help! Thanks!!

(define (count-dist-elements lis)   
    ((null? lis) 0)
    ((null? (cdr lis))0)
    ((member (car lis)(cdr lis)))
     (else(+ 1(count-dist-elements (cdr lis))))))

p / s: dist-elements'(1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9))

p/s: let it be (count-dist-elements '(1 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9))


  • 当您使用一个元素传递函数列表时会发生什么?在这种情况下,你的函数应该返回什么?

  • 具有相同元素的两元素列表(例如(5 5))?您的函数是否返回合理的值?

  • What happens when you pass your function a list with one element? What should your function return in this case?
  • What about a two-element list with the same element (eg. (5 5))? Does your function return a sensible value?


10-21 23:58