

给出一个排序的数组 A {4,9,10,11,19} 。成本从 I-&GT运动;Ĵ ABS(A [J] -A [I])。从一个给定的元件例如启动 10 。找出没有访问相同的元素两倍的最低成本路径。因此,在这个例子中的解决办法是 10→9> 4- GT; 11-> 19 1 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 21

Given a sorted array A e.g. {4,9,10,11,19}. The cost for moving from i->j is abs(A[j]-A[i]). Start from a given element e.g. 10. Find out the least cost path without visiting same element twice. So in this example solution would be 10->9->4->11->19 i.e. 1 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 21.


I tried to solve this using nearest neighbor approach.

 i = start;
 While (array is not empty)
    ldiff = A[i] - A[i-1]
    rdiff = A[i+1] - A[i]
    (ldiff < rdiff) ? sum += ldiff : sum += rdiff
    remove A[i]


This solution does not work in every case. I have realised that this is TSP problem. What could be the best approach to solve this problem? Shall I use TSP heuristics like Christofides or some other algorithm?



for your case least cost is 21, see

10->9->4->11->19 ==>  1 + 5 + 7 + 8 = 21.


I think, for common case, if you start from i-th position, least cost is path, minimum of

A[i]->A[i-1]-> ...->A[1] -> A[i+1] -> A[i+2] -> ...->A[n]  and

A[i]->A[i+1]-> ... ->A[n] ->A[i-1] ->A[i-2] -> ...->A[1]


07-09 16:31