


Is it possible to separately autoscale foxx and arangodb independently of each other in liu of trying to strike balance, and sure enough autoscale right amount of ram/storage/cpu? Simply if it's a good idea to try and autoscale deployment is answer good enough.



yes you can scale the different roles of an ArangoDB cluster independently to serve different use cases best (Agents, Coordinators, DBservers).

如果您经常使用Foxx,则可以增加Foxx服务所在的协调器实例的数量.您应该能够通过访问ArangoDB WebUI->节点为Mesos做到这一点,并且在右上角有一个用于Coordinators的按钮和一个用于DBservers的按钮.只需单击"+"号,一个新的协调器就会开始.

If you are using Foxx a lot, then you can increase the number of coordinator instances where the Foxx services live. You should be able to do this for Mesos by accessing the ArangoDB WebUI -> Nodes and in the upper right corner you have a button for Coordinators and one for DBservers. Just click on the "+" sign and a new coordinator will get started.


10-10 23:17