


I have a dataframe that is in this format:

A <- c("John Smith", "Red Shirt", "Family values are better")
B <- c("John is a very highly smart guy", "We tried the tea but didn't enjoy it at all", "Family is very important as it gives you values")

df <- as.data.frame(A, B)


My intention is to get the result back as:

ID   A                           B
1    John Smith                  is a very highly smart guy
2    Red Shirt                   We tried the tea but didn't enjoy it at all
3    Family values are better    is very important as it gives you


test<-df %>% filter(sapply(1:nrow(.), function(i) grepl(A[i], B[i])))


But it doesn't give me what I want.



一个解决方案ion将使用 mapply 以及 strsplit

One solution is to use mapply along with strsplit.

技巧是将 df $ A 拆分为单独的单词,然后将由 | ,然后将其用作 gsub 中的模式,以替换为

The trick is to split df$A in separate words and collapse those words separated by | and then use it as pattern in gsub to replace with "".

lst <- strsplit(df$A, split = " ")

df$B <- mapply(function(x,y){gsub(paste0(x,collapse = "|"), "",df$B[y])},lst,1:length(lst))
# A                                           B
# 1               John Smith                  is a very highly smart guy
# 2                Red Shirt We tried the tea but didn't enjoy it at all
# 3 Family values are better          is very important as it gives you


df$B <- mapply(function(x,y)gsub(x,"",y) ,gsub(" ", "|",df$A),df$B)


A <- c("John Smith", "Red Shirt", "Family values are better")
B <- c("John is a very highly smart guy", "We tried the tea but didn't enjoy it at all", "Family is very important as it gives you values")

df <- data.frame(A, B, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


07-15 07:41