


My question has been flagged as a possible duplicate of this question: How to add 2 Dictionary contents without looping in c#


I believe my question is different because I am asking how to combine two dictionaries in a particular way: I want all items from Dictionary1 plus all items from Dictionary2 that are not in (ie the key does not exist) in Dictionary1.


var d1 = new Dictionary<string,object>();
var d2 = new Dictionary<string,object>();

d1["a"] = 1;
d1["b"] = 2;
d1["c"] = 3;

d2["a"] = 11;
d2["e"] = 12;
d2["c"] = 13;

我想将它们组合成一个新的字典(在技术上,它不一定是一个字典,它可能只是一个 KeyValuePairs 的序列),使得输出包含d1中的所有 KeyValuePairs ,只有来自 d2 的KeyValue对,其键不会出现在 d1 中。

I would like to combine them into a new Dictionary (technically, it does not have to be a dictionary, it could just be a sequence of KeyValuePairs) such that the output contains all of the KeyValuePairs from d1 and only the KeyValuePairs from d2 whose Key does not appear in d1.


var d3 = d1.Concat(d2.Except(d1))


But that is giving me all of the elements from d1 and d2.


Seems like it should be obvious, but I must be missing something.


使用 / code>默认情况下,它使用默认的相等性比较器,对于 KeyValuePair 类型比较键和值。您可以这样做:

When you use Except by default it uses the default equality comparer, which for the KeyValuePair type compares both the keys and the values. You could this approach instead:

var d3 = d1.Concat(d2.Where(kvp => !d1.ContainsKey(kvp.Key)));


07-22 08:57