

我们从Microsoft ECE网站获得每月更新,其中包括WES7分发份额的更新。 但我有点困惑,因为更新不仅适用于WES7,还适用于Vista,XP,Server2008等。 更重要的是,ICE成功地

We get monthly updates from the Microsoft ECE website which include updates to WES7 distribution shares.  But I'm a bit confused because the updates are not just for WES7 but are also for Vista, XP, Server2008, etc.  Even more, ICE successfully imports updates that aren't even supposed to be for WES7.

例如,2010年8月的WES7补充更新下载包括KB981997"电影中的漏洞" Maker可以允许远程执行代码"。 但KB981997仅适用于Vista和XP。   ICE允许我添加此安全更新,因此目前我的WES7发行版份额中只有

For example, the August 2010 WES7 Supplement Updates download includes KB981997 "Vulnerability in Movie Maker Could Allow Remote Code Execution".  But KB981997 is only for Vista and XP.  ICE allowed me to add this security update so it's currently sitting in my WES7 distribution share.

我是否应该关注关于这个? 其他操作系统的更新是否会影响我的WES7图像?

Should I be concerned about this?  Will updates for other operating systems affect my WES7 image?




10-31 10:00