我正在尝试为 Slick 表创建一个类型安全的动态 DSL,但不确定如何实现.
I'm trying to create a typesafe dynamic DSL for a Slick table but not sure how to achieve this.
用户可以通过以 form/json 格式发送过滤器来将过滤器发布到服务器,我需要用所有这些来构建一个 Slick 查询.
Users can post filters to the server by sending filters in form/json format, and I need to build a Slick query with all that.
所以基本上这意味着将表示我的过滤器的 Scala 案例类转换为 Slick 查询.
So basically this means transforming a Scala case class representing my filters to a Slick query.
似乎谓词"可以有 3 种不同的形状.我见过特征 CanBeQueryCondition
It seems the "predicates" can have 3 different shapes. I've seen the trait CanBeQueryCondition
. Can I fold over these different possible shapes?
我见过扩展方法 &&
和 ||
I've seen the extension methods &&
and ||
and know there is something to do with this but I just don't know how to do.
Basically, I have a list of predicates which takes the following types:
(PatientTable) => Column[Option[Boolean]]
(PatientTable) => Column[Boolean]
对我来说,问题是所有具有 CanBeQueryCondition
的所有 3 种不同类型都没有一个单一的超类型,所以我真的不知道如何使用 & 折叠谓词;&
一旦添加到列表中,这些不同形状的谓词采用非常通用的类型 List[(PatientTable) =>;列[_ >: Boolean with Option[Boolean]]]
The problem to me is that there is not a single supertype for all the 3 different types that have a CanBeQueryCondition
, so I don't really know how do fold the predicates with &&
as once added to the list these differently shaped predicate takes a very generic type List[(PatientTable) => Column[_ >: Boolean with Option[Boolean]]]
另外,我不确定在 Slick 中什么可以被视为谓词.一个可组合谓词似乎是 Column[Boolean]
,但实际上 filter
方法只接受 (PatientTable) => 类型的参数.列[布尔值]
Also, I'm not sure about what can be considered a predicate in Slick. A composable predicate seems to be Column[Boolean]
, but actually the filter
method only accept parameters of type (PatientTable) => Column[Boolean]
I'm answering my own question with what I've finally built.
case class User(
id: String = java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString,
companyScopeId: String,
firstName: Option[String] = None,
lastName: Option[String] = None
class UserTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[User](tag,"USER") {
override def id = column[String]("id", O.PrimaryKey)
def companyScopeId = column[String]("company_scope_id", O.NotNull)
def firstName = column[Option[String]]("first_name", O.Nullable)
def lastName = column[Option[String]]("last_name", O.Nullable)
def * = (id, companyScopeId, firstName, lastName) <>
Slick 中谓词的概念
我假设谓词"的概念可以放在 TableQuery.filter
中.但是这种类型相当复杂,因为它是一个函数,它接受一个 Table
并返回一个具有隐式 CanBeQueryCondition
I assume that the notion of "predicate" is what can be put inside TableQuery.filter
. But this type is rather complex as it is a function that takes a Table
and returns a type that has an implicit CanBeQueryCondition
不幸的是,有 3 种不同的类型具有 CanBeQueryCondition
并且将它们放入一个列表中以折叠成单个谓词似乎并不容易(即 filter
很容易申请,但 &&
和 ||
运算符很难应用(就我尝试过的而言)).但幸运的是,我们似乎可以使用 轻松地将
转换为 Colunm[Boolean]
到 Column[Option[Boolean]]
Unfornunately for me there are 3 different types that have a CanBeQueryCondition
and putting them in a list to be folded into a single predicate seems not easy (ie filter
is easy to apply, but the &&
and ||
operators are hard to apply (as far as I've tried)). But fortunately it seems we can convert easily a Boolean
to a Colunm[Boolean]
to a Column[Option[Boolean]]
with the .?
extension method.
So let's define our predicate type:
type TablePredicate[Item, T <: Table[Item]] = T => Column[Option[Boolean]]
折叠谓词列表(即使用连词/析取,即组成 AND 和 OR 子句)
Now we only have one type so we can easily fold a list of predicates into a single
// A predicate that never filter the result
def matchAll[Item, T <: Table[Item]]: TablePredicate[Item,T] = { table: T => LiteralColumn(1) === LiteralColumn(1) }
// A predicate that always filter the result
def matchNone[Item, T <: Table[Item]]: TablePredicate[Item,T] = { table: T => LiteralColumn(1) =!= LiteralColumn(1) }
def conjunction[Item, T <: Table[Item]](predicates: TraversableOnce[TablePredicate[Item, T]]): TablePredicate[Item,T] = {
if ( predicates.isEmpty ) matchAll[Item,T]
else {
predicates.reduce { (predicate1, predicate2) => table: T =>
predicate1(table) && predicate2(table)
def disjunction[Item, T <: Table[Item]](predicates: TraversableOnce[TablePredicate[Item, T]]): TablePredicate[Item,T] = {
if ( predicates.isEmpty ) matchNone[Item,T]
else {
predicates.reduce { (predicate1, predicate2) => table: T =>
predicate1(table) || predicate2(table)
从这些谓词原语中,我们可以开始创建基于 case 类的动态、可组合和类型安全的查询 DSL.
From these predicate primitives we can start creating our dynamic, composable and typesafe query DSL based on a case class.
case class UserFilters(
companyScopeIds: Option[Set[String]] = None,
firstNames: Option[Set[String]] = None,
lastNames: Option[Set[String]] = None
) {
type UserPredicate = TablePredicate[User,UserTable]
def withFirstNames(firstNames: Set[String]): UserFilters = this.copy(firstNames = Some(firstNames))
def withFirstNames(firstNames: String*): UserFilters = withFirstNames(firstNames.toSet)
def withLastNames(lastNames: Set[String]): UserFilters = this.copy(lastNames = Some(lastNames))
def withLastNames(lastNames: String*): UserFilters = withLastNames(lastNames.toSet)
def withCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds: Set[String]): UserFilters = this.copy(companyScopeIds = Some(companyScopeIds))
def withCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds: String*): UserFilters = withCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds.toSet)
private def filterByFirstNames(firstNames: Set[String]): UserPredicate = { table: UserTable => table.firstName inSet firstNames }
private def filterByLastNames(lastNames: Set[String]): UserPredicate = { table: UserTable => table.lastName inSet lastNames }
private def filterByCompanyScopeIds(companyScopeIds: Set[String]): UserPredicate = { table: UserTable => (table.companyScopeId.? inSet companyScopeIds) }
def predicate: UserPredicate = {
// Build the list of predicate options (because filters are actually optional)
val optionalPredicates: List[Option[UserPredicate]] = List(
// Filter the list to remove None's
val predicates: List[UserPredicate] = optionalPredicates.flatten
// By default, create a conjunction (AND) of the predicates of the represented by this case class
注意 .?
用于 companyScopeId
字段的用法,该字段允许将非可选列适合我们对 Slick 谓词的定义
Notice the usage of .?
for the companyScopeId
field which permits to fit a non-optional column to our definition of a Slick predicate
使用 DSL
val Users = TableQuery(new UserTable(_))
val filter1 = UserFilters().withLastNames("lorber","silhol").withFirstName("robert")
val filter2 = UserFilters().withFirstName("sebastien")
val filter = disjunction[User,UserTable](Set(filter1.predicate,filter2.predicate))
val users = Users.filter(filter.predicate).list
// results in
// ( last_name in ("lorber","silhol") AND first_name in ("robert") )
// OR
// ( first_name in ("sebastien") )
这远非完美,但它是初稿,至少可以给你一些灵感:) 我希望 Slick 能够更容易地构建其他查询 DSL 中非常常见的东西(如 Hibernate/JPA Criteria)API)
This is far from being perfect but is a first draft and at least can give you some inspiration :) I would like Slick to make it easier to build such things that are very common in other query DSL (like Hibernate/JPA Criteria API)
See also this Gist for up-to-date solutions