






  1. 需要通过脚本标签包含jsbin页面上的JavaScript
  2. 在我可以看到的任何地方都没有定义变量cy,导致在控制台中出现此错误消息:对象#cy没有方法cytoscape





我真的不知道您的JavaScript是什么. jQuery的知识水平,但似乎您可能需要稍作练习.

  1. 是的,如果您引用的是以下标记:

    <script src="http://cytoscape.github.io/cytoscape.js/api/cytoscape.js-latest/cytoscape.min.js"></script>

    这确实是必要的,因为它是cytoscape.js的基础,例如,库本身允许将方法cytoscape添加到变量#cy中,正如您在第二点中提到的那样. /p>

  2. 变量#cydiv本身. jQuery以此方式用#引用对象ID.所以:

    <div id="cy"></div>

    可以称为$(#cy"). Wich在库本身中添加了cytoscape函数.

我认为这个实时示例确实不错,尽管您链接的是用cytoscape.js的基本结构和初始化更为基础和适当.我建议您以jQuery(这门课程对我来说真的很清楚)来认识并阅读 cytoscape.js文档,其中包含许多丰富的示例.

Being brand new to cytoscape.js, I may be missing something obvious. Please forgive me if that is so.

I am studying the first example offered here:

reached from this page

Three files are offered -- HTML, CSS, JavaScript -- along with the impression that these three will, when loaded into my browser, create a running example.

But the HTML seems to be incomplete, possibly in two ways:

  1. the JavaScript on the jsbin page needs to be included via a script tag
  2. the variable cy is not defined anywhere that I can see, leading to this error message in the console: Object #cy has no method cytoscape

A stack overflow search on that error message points back to the very fine cy.js documentation, but alas, I am still in the dark: where do I initialize the "cy" object?

And best of all, where can I find a complete working example, useful for such a raw beginner as myself, something I can pore over and study until I begin to grasp the logic of this style of programming, and make use of this very fine library?



I really don't know what's your JavaScript & jQuery knowledge level, but it seems you may need to practice it all a little.

  1. Yes, if you're referring to the following tag:

    <script src="http://cytoscape.github.io/cytoscape.js/api/cytoscape.js-latest/cytoscape.min.js"></script>

    This is indeed necessary, as it is the basis of cytoscape.js, the library itself, wich allows, for instance, add the method cytoscape to the variable #cy, as you mentioned in your second point.

  2. The variable #cy is the div itself. jQuery refers to objects IDs this way, with #. So:

    <div id="cy"></div>

    Can be referred as $("#cy"). Wich adds the cytoscape function to it is the library itself.

I think that this live example is really good, although the one you linked is more basic and appropriate to get known with the basic structure and initialization of cytoscape.js. I suggest you to get known with jQuery (this course was really clear to me) and read the cytoscape.js documentation, which is full of rich examples.


09-21 04:15