

我正在尝试使用 nltk 在 Python 中编写一个脚本,该脚本将句子从第二人称更改为第一人称.例子:句子

I'm trying to write a script in Python using nltk which changes a sentence from second person to first person.Example: the sentence

I went to see Avatar and you came with me


You went to see Avatar and I came with you

nltk 中是否有内置函数可以执行此操作?

Is there a built-in function in nltk that does this?



There shouldn't be too many forms of personal and possessive pronouns in English. If you create a dictionary of correspondence between 1st and 2nd person forms, you can then tokenize the original sentence and replace the words that are in the dictionary:

forms = {"am" : "are", "are" : "am", 'i' : 'you', 'my' : 'yours', 'me' : 'you', 'mine' : 'yours', 'you' : 'I', 'your' : 'my', 'yours' : 'mine'} # More?
def translate(word):
  if word.lower() in forms: return forms[word.lower()]
  return word

sent = 'You went to see Avatar, and I came with you.'
result = ' '.join([translate(word) for word in nltk.wordpunct_tokenize(sent)])
# I went to see avatar , and you came with i .


Because of the ambiguity of you you probably cannot get any better results.


07-09 08:01