


I've successfully built and installed OpenCPU and RStudio Server on a CentOS6. Everything is working as expected, and I do get successful GET/POST responses for my local R packages.


A couple of things that don't seem to work however:

  • 我找不到启动/停止/刷新OpenCPU的干净方法.我当前正在使用apachectl restart,但是我什至不确定是否确实可以按预期方式重新加载R程序包.我在/usr/lib/opencpu/scripts上尝试了Jeroen的bash脚本,但是它们似乎需要大量调整才能在CentOS上工作.
  • (可能与上面有关)我正在/etc/opencpu/Renviron文件中使用load()readRDS()(也在/etc/opencpu/Rprofile中尝试过)将持久数据集加载到全局环境中-但这似乎不起作用.我没有收到任何错误日志,但是对象在后续请求中不可用.
  • 在Ubuntu上的
  • OpenCPU似乎已配置为在opencpu用户下运行.在CentOS6上,它似乎在安装后在root下运行.我想修改它,但不确定如何.
  • I can't figure a clean way to start/stop/flush OpenCPU. I'm currently using apachectl restart but I'm not even sure that does reload R packages as expected. I tried Jeroen's bash scripts at /usr/lib/opencpu/scripts but they seem to require quite a bit of tweaking to work on CentOS.
  • (maybe related to above) I am using load() and readRDS() in /etc/opencpu/Renviron file (also tried in /etc/opencpu/Rprofile) to load persistent datasets into the global environment -- but that doesn't seem to work. I don't get any error log, but the objects are not available in subsequent requests.
  • on Ubuntu OpenCPU seems configured to run under an opencpu user. On CentOS6 it seems to run under root after installation. I'd like to modify that, but not sure how.


Just wondering if someone has has success configuring OpenCPU on CentOS6.




  • 正在运行sudo apachectl restart将重新启动. rpm中目前没有针对opencpu的特殊初始化或systemd脚本,但基本上,该脚本在ubuntu上所做的全部工作是重新启动apache并向终端打印一些消息.

  • Running sudo apachectl restart will do the restart. There is currently no special init or systemd script for opencpu included with the rpm, but basically all that script does on ubuntu is restart apache and print some messages to the terminal.

REnviron文件仅用于环境变量.您需要使用RProfile作为自定义代码.另请参见帮助.也许它没有在正确的环境中加载.尝试:load(file, envir = globalenv(), verbose = TRUE).

The REnviron file is only for environment variables. You need to use RProfile for custom code. See also help. Maybe it doesn't get loaded in the right environment. Try: load(file, envir = globalenv(), verbose = TRUE).


Note that the recommended way to store stuff is by putting it an R package, either as lazyload data or sysdata.rda (see writing R extensions). You can then load or attach the package on startup, or better yet: formally import the dataset from the package that contains your application or R functions.

Afaik,centos以用户apache的身份运行httpd请求吗?是什么让您认为opencpu以root身份运行?那当然不是意图.在CentOS上,有时您需要使用SELinux httpd标志来使您的应用程序正常工作,另请参见 rpm自述文件.

Afaik, centos runs httpd requests as user apache? What makes you think opencpu runs as root? That is certainly not the intention. On CentOS you sometimes need to play around with SELinux httpd flags to get your applications to work, see also the rpm readme.


The rpm packages are a bit more recent and less tested than the debian ones, so if you have problems or suggestions, please open an issue on github.


07-09 06:28