

我有一个现有的Javascript/HTML应用程序.我想使用R Programming的科学计算和图形功能.

I have an existing Javascript/HTML Application. I wanted to use power of R Programming's scientific computing and graphics.


  1. 从Javascript应用发送一些数据.
  2. 使用数据输入调用预定义的R函数.
  3. 获取输出以文本和图形的形式获取输出.
  4. 在HTML页面中显示它.


  1. 我应该连续运行R,使用web sockets之类的东西并连接到R吗?如果正在执行如何传递R脚本以执行并获取输出包?

  1. Should I run R continuously, use something like web sockets and connect to R? If doing How to pass R scripts to execute and get the output pack?

Rserve . Rserve有一些nodeJS实现.但这是问题,每一行代码都应通过evaluate命令传递.即使我这样做,如何处理图形输出?

There is Rserve. There are some nodeJS implementation for Rserve. But problem with this is, each line of code should be passed through the evaluate commands. Even though if I do so, how to handle the graph output?

我探索了一些 openCPU .如果使用openCPU R程序包,则R应该使用opencpu库连续运行,并且我们分别启动R和openCPU,它以不同的端口号开头.如果我关闭R会话,opencpu服务器也会终止.

I explored a bit of openCPU. If using openCPU R package, R should be continuously Running with opencpu library and each we start R and openCPU, it starts with different port number. And if i close the R session, opencpu server also terminates.


If I install standalone opencpu server in my machine, how to use R with this? I've installed openCPU standalone server and a kind of stuck after that.


How should I proceed, What should I do to accomplish my task. I'm like a kind of don't know which direction to go. Please throw some light on this. I'm sure most people would need this.


I have worked with shiny, but in this case, I can not make use of it. Need to connect R from external Web Application.


FastRWeb 听起来像是完美满足您的需求.从文档中:

FastRWeb sounds like it would be perfect for your needs. From the documentation:

run <- function(n=10, ...) {
   p <- WebPlot(800, 600)
   n <- as.integer(n)
   plot(rnorm(n), rnorm(n), col=2, pch=19)


This can potentially then be called using JavaScript to dynamically load images and display them.


You might also like to think about shiny, though that's more of a complete solution.


10-10 18:24