

我正在尝试将数据从现有的SQL数据库中提取到MarkLogic中.有几种导入文档的功能和几种导入方法,但目的是将每个表中的每一行数据作为其自己的文档拖入MarkLogic林中. ( https://developer.marklogic.com/learn/sql-marklogic-mapping/)

I'm trying to pull data from an existing SQL database into MarkLogic. There are several functions for importing documents and several ways of doing so, but the goal is to pull each row of data from each table into a MarkLogic forest as it's own document. (https://developer.marklogic.com/learn/sql-marklogic-mapping/)

我已经按照指南中的说明设置了SQLdata和SQLschema: https://docs. marklogic.com/guide/sql/setup .我还在MarkLogic上设置了ODBC服务器,但是我所遇到的任何文档都没有涉及如何通过SQL数据库进行解析以将信息提取到MarkLogic.

I have setup SQLdata and SQLschema as explained in the guide here: https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/sql/setup. I also setup an ODBC server on MarkLogic, but none of the documentation I have come across covers how to parse through a SQL database to pull the information to MarkLogic.


在我看来,最开箱即用"的方法是集成MarkLogic和Apache NiFi.在YouTube上有一个很好的简短视频,内容是通过NiFi 在YouTube 上将关系数据提取到MarkLogic中的.可以观察一下,以了解其工作原理.我最近已经做过几次,发现它设置起来相对快速,简单.

The most "out of the box" way to do this is in my opinion is to integrate MarkLogic and Apache NiFi. There's a good, short video of pulling in relational data into MarkLogic via NiFi on YouTube you can watch to give you an idea of how it works. I've done this several times recently and found it relatively quick and straightforward to setup.


10-29 08:23