

是否有用于Marklogic的view/edit/delete文档的工具,例如用于MongoDb的Mongo Management Studio?

Is there any tool to view/edit/delete document of Marklogic, like Mongo Management Studio for MongoDb?


内置于MarkLogic中的是对WebDav的支持.您可以在管理控制台中创建WebDav App Server,然后任何WebDav客户端都可以访问文档. https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/admin/webdav webdav协议支持的功能有一定限制,但这确实提供了文档级别的基本集成.

Built into MarkLogic is support for WebDav. You can create a WebDav App Server in the admin console and then any WebDav client can access documents.https://docs.marklogic.com/guide/admin/webdavThere are limits to what the webdav protocol supports but this does give basic integration at the document level.

xmlsh的MarkLogic扩展包括一个Java GUI,该Java GUI为ML提供了基本的树形浏览器,包括打开,复制,粘贴,新文件夹,导入,拖放.

The MarkLogic extension to xmlsh includes a Java GUI providing a basic tree browser for ML, including open, copy, paste, new folder, import, drag&drop.

这是非常基础的,不适用于所有类型和大小的文档,也无法处理权限,集合,属性片段等的所有复杂性. http://www.xmlsh.org/ModuleMarkLogic

It is very basic and doesnt work for all types and sizes of documents or handle all the complexities of permissions, collections, property fragments etc.http://www.xmlsh.org/ModuleMarkLogic


The command is undocumented, but comes with the MarkLogic extension and uses the same configuration variables as put, get, invoke etc.

$ xmlsh
$ import module ml=marklogic
$ MLCONNECT=xcc://user@host:8000
$ ml:mlui


09-24 16:59