

因此,我正在jquery/html/php中构建一个类似Web应用程序的Twitter.当用户向下滚动到页面末尾时,将增加更多的twits负载(就像在twitter上一样).我的问题是,在每个twit div中都有一个div(类.details),它显示对原始twit的答复,并且该答复twit也具有与原始twit相同的类.

So I am building a twitter like web app in jquery/html/php. When I user scrolls down to the end of the page more twits load (just like on twitter). The problem I have that inside each twit div there is a div (class .details) that is showing reply to the original twit, and that reply twit also has the same class as the original twit.


<div id="twit_id_{$twits[i].TID}" class="twit">
    twit content
        <div class="details">
            <div id="twit_id_{$twits[i].TID}" class="twit">
                twit content

通过这个jquery,我得到了最新的twit id,并将其发送到php,但是我不想从详细信息中获取该id.我需要页面中的最后一个ID,而不是详细信息中的ID.

And with this jquery I get the latest twit id and send it to php, but I don`t want the id from the details. I want the last id from the page, but not the id inside details.

var end_id = $(".twit:last").attr("id");


I tried something like this, did not work.

var end_id = $(".twit:last").not('.details').attr("id");



var end_id = $(".twit:not(.details .twit):last").attr("id");


[edit] Looked a bit closer and realised that this is what you want.

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/wUv8k/

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/wUv8k/


07-09 05:13