= ourDatabase.rawQuery(select from
+ DBHelper.DATABASE_TABLE +其中+ DBHelper.TITLE +=
+ title +'+AND+ DBHelper.DATE + ='+ date +',
new String [] {});
boolean exists =(cursor.getCount()> 0);
return exists;
} else {
return false; }
06-06 16:01:11.341:E / AndroidRuntime(13867):Caused by:android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException:nearόσο :语法错误(代码1):,同时编译:从all_t中选择1其中title ='ΟΦΟΒΟΣκαιοΤΡΟΜΟΣτωνδιαδηλωτών! ΑυτέςοιγυναίκεςείναιπιοσκληρέςαΠ'όσοδείχνουν!'AND date ='Wed,05 Jun 2013 18:12:15'
selectionArgs ,这正是为什么应该使用它们:你用简单的引号引用你的字符串,但是你的字符串包含单引号,所以SQLite在实际结束之前检测字符串的结尾,并尝试将其余部分解析为SQLite关键字。
正确的解决方案是通过使用那些 selectionArgs
Cursor cursor = ourDatabase.rawQuery(select 1 from
+ DBHelper .DATABASE_TABLE +where+ DBHelper.TITLE +=?
+AND+ DBHelper.DATE +=?,
new String [] {title,date});
When i open my RSS app, i would like to check if an article exists in my database.If it exists,i would like to delete it (or ignore it),if not to write it in the db.
I have been trying to do it something like this:
Cursor cursor = ourDatabase.rawQuery("select 1 from "
+ DBHelper.DATABASE_TABLE + " where " + DBHelper.TITLE + "='"
+ title + "'" + " AND " + DBHelper.DATE + "='" + date + "'",
new String[] {});
if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {
boolean exists = (cursor.getCount() > 0);
return exists;
} else {
return false; }
but i get this error:
06-06 16:01:11.341: E/AndroidRuntime(13867): Caused by: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: near "όσο": syntax error (code 1): , while compiling: select 1 from all_t where title='Ο ΦΟΒΟΣ και ο ΤΡΟΜΟΣ των διαδηλωτών!!! Αυτές οι γυναίκες είναι πιο σκληρές απ' όσο δείχνουν!' AND date='Wed, 05 Jun 2013 18:12:15'
This is a typical issue with not using the selectionArgs
, and it is exactly why one should use them: You are quoting your string with simple quotes, but your string contains single quote, so SQLite detect the end of the string before it actually ends, and try to parse the rest as SQLite keyword.
The proper solution is to leave the escaping to SQLite, by using those selectionArgs
rather that trying to do the escaping your self. in you case, that would be :
Cursor cursor = ourDatabase.rawQuery("select 1 from "
+ DBHelper.DATABASE_TABLE + " where " + DBHelper.TITLE + "=?"
+ " AND " + DBHelper.DATE + "=?",
new String[] {title, date});
plus, it's cleaner because you can make a constant out of your query rather than constructing it every time.