


I have created a subclass of NSView to draw an image as a pattern:

@interface CePatternView : NSView
    NSImage*    image;
    id      observableObjectForImage;
    NSString*   keyPathForImage;



I implemented the following to expose bindings:

+ (void)initialize
    // Expose the "image" binding to IB.
    [self exposeBinding:@"image"];  

- (Class)valueClassForBinding:(NSString *)binding
    if([binding isEqualToString:@"image"])
        return [NSImage class];
    return nil; // Unknown binding


我真的需要创建一个IBPlugin来暴露Interface Builder中的绑定吗?对于我不打算重用的自定义视图。

Do I really have to create an IBPlugin to expose bindings in Interface Builder? That just seems way overkill for a custom view that I don't plan to reuse.




Answer to title: No, you can bind a custom view without an IB plug-in (by doing it in code).
Answer to question in question body: Yes, you do need an IB plug-in to expose the binding in IB.

您的代码不会在Interface Builder中运行,除非将其放入Interface Builder中,并且 exposeBinding:消息是您的代码。因此,你需要把它放到Interface Builder中。这意味着要编写一个IB插件。

Your code doesn't run inside Interface Builder unless you put it into Interface Builder, and that exposeBinding: message is your code. Therefore, you need to put it into Interface Builder. That means writing an IB plug-in.

此外,IB插件与旧的IB调色板不同。插件需要IB 3,并且更容易创建。调色板需要IB 2,创建起来很痛苦。

Also, IB plug-ins are not the same as the old IB palettes. Plug-ins require IB 3 and are much easier to create. Palettes require IB 2 and were painful to create.


10-15 22:55