Currently, when I get an error in my production Angular (v7) app, I get a stack trace like this. But this is virtually impossible to get any meaningful information from. How can I get a better stack trace, so that I could narrow down where this elusive error is coming from? Right now, I'm living with this error in prod because it never happens on my development machine, and I have no idea how to isolate it because the stacktrace is virtually useless to me. I am used to languages like C#, where you get a very concise stacktrace that gives you a map down to the function in error. This stack trace has no meaning.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'appendChild' of null
at create_dom_structure (eval at (:15:1), :1:16231)
at load_map (eval at (:15:1), :1:101028)
at Object.load (eval at (:15:1), :1:107834)
at eval (eval at (:15:1), :1:108251)
at t.invokeTask (https://mywebsite.com/polyfills.d8680adf69e7ebd1de57.js:1:8844)
at Object.onInvokeTask (https://mywebsite.com/main.25a9fda6ea42f4308b79.js:1:467756)
at t.invokeTask (https://mywebsite.com/polyfills.d8680adf69e7ebd1de57.js:1:8765)
at e.runTask (https://mywebsite.com/polyfills.d8680adf69e7ebd1de57.js:1:4026)
at e.invokeTask (https://mywebsite.com/polyfills.d8680adf69e7ebd1de57.js:1:9927)
at invoke (https://mywebsite.com/polyfills.d8680adf69e7ebd1de57.js:1:9818)
export class AppErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler {
private _http: Http,
private injector: Injector,
) {
public handleError(error: any): void {
if (error.status === '401') {
alert('You are not logged in, please log in and come back!');
} else {
const router = this.injector.get(Router);
const reportOject = {
status: error.status,
name: error.name,
message: error.message,
httpErrorCode: error.httpErrorCode,
stack: error.stack,
url: location.href,
route: router.url,
this._http.post(`${Endpoint.APIRoot}Errors/AngularError`, reportOject)
.catch((respError: any) => {
Utils.formatError(respError, `AppErrorHandler()`);
通常Javascript堆栈跟踪 更为有用.不幸的是,在生产应用程序中,您通常会启用缩小功能,这就是为什么您会看到如此混乱的原因.
Generally Javascript stack traces are more useful. Unfortunately, in a production application you generally turn on minification, which is why you get such an unreadable mess.
If you can afford a larger Javascript bundle, it may be useful to turn off the minification just to get a better stack trace in production.
如何执行此操作将根据您所使用的Angular CLI版本而有所不同.对于v7 CLI:
How to do this will vary depending on which version of the Angular CLI you're using. For the v7 CLI:
In the file angular.json, set the following properties
"projects": {
"my-project": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"configurations": {
"production": {
"optimization": false,
"buildOptimizer": false,