

我正在编写一个使用JDT AST的 ASTParser 来解析方法的Eclipse插件。我正在寻找创建一个特定类型对象的方法。

I am writing an Eclipse plug-in that uses JDT AST's ASTParser to parse a method. I am looking within that method for the creation of a particular type of object.

当我找到一个 ClassInstanceCreation 我调用 getType()来查看要实例化的类型。我想确保正在处理的完全解决的类型是我认为的那样,所以我将结果 Type object to $ code> resolveBinding()。即使没有编译错误,即使我在 null 中调用 setResolveBindings(true) C $ C> ASTParser 。我通过 ASTParser (通过 setSource() ICompilationUnit 包含我的方法,所以解析器可以访问整个工作区上下文。

When I find a ClassInstanceCreation, I call getType() on it to see what type is being instantiated. I want to be sure that the fully-resolved type being dealt with there is the one I think it is, so I tell the resultant Type object to resolveBinding(). I get null back even though there are no compilation errors and even though I called setResolveBindings(true) on my ASTParser. I gave my ASTParser (via setSource()) the ICompilationUnit that contains my method, so the parser has access to the entire workspace context.

final IMethod method = ...;
final ASTParser parser = ASTParser.newParser(AST.JLS3);
parser.setSourceRange(method.getSourceRange().getOffset(), method.getSourceRange().getLength());
final TypeDeclaration astRoot = (TypeDeclaration) parser.createAST(null);
final ClassInstanceCreation classInstanceCreation = walkAstAndFindMyExpression(astRoot);
final Type instantiatedType = classInstanceCreation.getType();
System.out.println("BINDING: " + instantiatedType.resolveBinding());

为什么 resolveBinding() return ?如何获取绑定信息?

Why does resolveBinding() return null? How can I get the binding information?


隐藏在 ASTParser概述的底部。 setKind(),仔细隐藏人员疑难解答 resolveBinding() setResolveBindings()

Tucked away at the bottom of the overview of ASTParser.setKind(), carefully hidden from people troubleshooting resolveBinding() and setResolveBindings(), is the statement



I don't understand offhand why this would be the case, but it does seem to point pretty clearly at what needs to be different!


09-25 11:00