

首选语言:C / C ++,Java和Ruby。

Preferred languages: C/C++, Java, and Ruby.

我正在寻找一些有用的书籍/你自己的编译器只是为了教育目的。我最熟悉C / C ++,Java和Ruby,所以我喜欢涉及这三个之一的资源,但任何好的资源是可以接受的。

I am looking for some helpful books/tutorials on how to write your own compiler simply for educational purposes. I am most familiar with C/C++, Java, and Ruby, so I prefer resources that involve one of those three, but any good resource is acceptable.



  • $

  • $

  • $

  • $

  • $ - 被广泛认为是编译器编写的书。

  • $

  • (寻找由Jan Niestadt实现脚本引擎)

  • $

  • (在 $)指定一种评估语言句子的方法

  • 语言实现模式:创建您自己的特定领域和一般编程语言

  • - ¶版本

  • $(Google图书)

  • $

  • $ - 有一个 $和 $版本 - 被广泛认为是一本非常好的书

  • $

  • ¶ - 查看章节13

  • $

  • - 快速指南

  • - MSDN的快速教程

  • - 快速指南

  • Big List of Resources:

    • A Nanopass Framework for Compiler Education ¶
    • Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation $
    • An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction ¶
    • ANTLR 3.x Video Tutorial
    • Basics of Compiler Design
    • Building a Parrot Compiler
    • Compiler Basics
    • Compiler Construction $
    • Compiler Design and Construction $
    • Crafting a Compiler with C $
    • Compiler Design in C ¶
    • Dragon Book $ — Widely considered "the book" for compiler writing.
    • Engineering a Compiler $
    • Essentials of Programming Languages
    • Flipcode Article Archive (look for "Implementing A Scripting Engine by Jan Niestadt")
    • Game Scripting Mastery $
    • How to build a virtual machine from scratch in C# ¶
    • Implementing Functional Languages
    • Implementing Programming Languages (with BNFC)
    • Implementing Programming Languages using C# 4.0
    • Interpreter pattern (described in Design Patterns $) specifies a way to evaluate sentences in a language
    • Language Implementation Patterns: Create Your Own Domain-Specific and General Programming Languages
    • Let's Build a Compiler — The PDF ¶ version
    • Linkers and Loaders $ (Google Books)
    • Lisp in Small Pieces (LiSP) $
    • LLVM Tutorial
    • Modern Compiler Implementation in ML $ — There is a Java $ and C $ version as well - widely considered a very good book
    • Object-Oriented Compiler Construction $
    • Parsing Techniques - A Practical Guide
    • Project Oberon ¶ - Look at chapter 13
    • Programming a Personal Computer $
    • Programing Languages: Application and Interpretation
    • Rabbit: A Compiler for Scheme¶
    • Reflections on Trusting Trust — A quick guide
    • Roll Your Own Compiler for the .NET framework — A quick tutorial from MSDN
    • Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
    • Types and Programming Languages
    • Want to Write a Compiler? - a quick guide
    • Writing a Compiler in Ruby Bottom Up
    • 图例:

      • ¶链接到PDF文件

      • $链接到打印的书


09-03 05:59