

因此,我现在为正在运行的日志编写了几种模式.现在,我将这些具有多个模式的多个日志存储在一个文件中. Logstash如何知道在日志的哪一行必须使用哪种模式? (我正在用grok进行过滤)如果你们会很友善,可以给我链接到文档,因为我找不到关于此的任何东西:/

So I wrote now several patterns for logs which are working. The thing is now, that I have these multiple logs, with multiple patterns, in one single file. How does logstash know what kind of pattern it has to use for which line in the log? ( I am using grok for my filtering ) And if you guys would be super kind, could you give me the link to the docs, because I weren't able to find anything regarding this :/



You could use multiple patterns for your grok filter,

grok {
  match => ["fieldname", "pattern1", "pattern2", ..., "patternN"]


and they will be applied in order but a) it's not the best option performance-wise and b) you probably want to treat different types of logs differently anyway, so I suggest you use conditionals based on the type or tags of a message:

if [type] == "syslog" {
  grok {
    match => ["message", "your syslog pattern"]


Set the type in the input plugin.

当前发布的Logstash版本的文档位于 http://logstash.net/docs/1.4.2/.它可能没有具体解决您的问题,但可以推断出来.

The documentation for the currently released version of Logstash is at http://logstash.net/docs/1.4.2/. It probably doesn't address your question specifically but it can be inferred.


08-24 16:19