嘿家伙,i想散列密码,所以它是完全加密的,我可以散列密码,但现在的问题是我不能再次取回真正的密码,有没有什么办法我可以使用任何散列获得真正的密码,或者有任何其他方式来加密和解密文本到其原始内容... ...
abbas electrwala。
hey guys,i want to hash the password so it is totally encrypted, i am able to hash the password, but now the issue is i am not able to again get back the real password, is there any way i can get the real password using any of the hash, or is there any other way to encrypt and also decrypt the text into its original content...
Please reply as soon as possible..Thanks and regardsabbas electricwala.
The whole point of hashing a password is so that you do not have to save passwords in clear text. If someone can get the hashed passwords, he can't convert them back to passwords. Also, don't forget to salt your hashing otherwise your hashed passwords are vulnerable to rainbow tables.