


当一个对象派生形式MarshalByRefObject的,对象引用  将被从一个应用程序域传递到另一个,而不是  对象本身。当一个对象被标记为[Serializable接口]时,  对象将被自动序列,从一个运  应用领域到另一个,然后反序列化,以产生  的对象中的第二应用域精确副本。请注意,然后  虽然MarshalByRefObject的传递一个参考,[Serializable接口]  导致要复制的对象。 【来源】

我设计我使用的AppDomain第一个应用程序,我想知道当你把引用 MarshalByRefObjects 里面的序列化对象没有实现MarshalByRefObject的会发生什么,因为这样到目前为止,我无法找到任何关于这个问题的文件。

I'm designing my first app that uses AppDomains and I'm wondering what happens when you place references to MarshalByRefObjects inside serializable objects that do not implement MarshalByRefObject, because so far I can't find any documentation on the subject.

例如,如果我试图返回名单,其中发生AppDomain的边界?难道我得到的列表℃的副本; MBR> ,其中每个 MBR TransparentProxy 原来的对象?而有关于混合这两种机制的技术细节的任何文档?

For example, what happens if I try to return a List<MBR> where MBR : MarshalByRefObject across an AppDomain boundary? Do I get a copy of the List<MBR> where each MBR is a TransparentProxy to the original object? And is there any documentation about the technical details of mixing the two mechanisms?


我只是做了一个快速测试与名单,其中,MBR&GT; ,似乎工作,我曾希望

I just did a quick test with List<MBR> and it seems to work as I had hoped:

public class MBR : MarshalByRefObject
    List<MBR> _list;
    public MBR() { _list = new List<MBR> { this }; }
    public IList<MBR> Test() { return _list; }
    public int X { get; set; }

// Later...
var mbr = AppDomainStarter.Start<MBR>(@"C:\Program Files", "test", null, true);
var list = mbr.Test();
list[0].X = 42;
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("X={0}, Count={1}", mbr.X, mbr.Test().Count));

输出为 X = 42,计数= 1 ,调试器显示了名单,其中,MBR&GT; 包含 __ TransparentProxy 。所以很明显,在 MarshalByRefObject的被成功地被编组通过值另一个对象中引用封。

The output is X=42, Count=1, and the debugger shows that the List<MBR> contains a __TransparentProxy. So clearly, the MarshalByRefObject is successfully marshaled by reference inside another object that was marshaled by value.


I would still like to see documentation or technical details if anyone can find some.


For anyone who is curious, I wrote this handy-dandy sandbox AppDomainStarter:

/// <summary><see cref="AppDomainStarter.Start"/> starts an AppDomain.</summary>
public static class AppDomainStarter
    /// <summary>Creates a type in a new sandbox-friendly AppDomain.</summary>
    /// <typeparam name="T">A trusted type derived MarshalByRefObject to create 
    /// in the new AppDomain. The constructor of this type must catch any 
    /// untrusted exceptions so that no untrusted exception can escape the new 
    /// AppDomain.</typeparam>
    /// <param name="baseFolder">Value to use for AppDomainSetup.ApplicationBase.
    /// The AppDomain will be able to use any assemblies in this folder.</param>
    /// <param name="appDomainName">A friendly name for the AppDomain. MSDN
    /// does not state whether or not the name must be unique.</param>
    /// <param name="constructorArgs">Arguments to send to the constructor of T,
    /// or null to call the default constructor. Do not send arguments of 
    /// untrusted types this way.</param>
    /// <param name="partialTrust">Whether the new AppDomain should run in 
    /// partial-trust mode.</param>
    /// <returns>A remote proxy to an instance of type T. You can call methods 
    /// of T and the calls will be marshalled across the AppDomain boundary.</returns>
    public static T Start<T>(string baseFolder, string appDomainName, 
        object[] constructorArgs, bool partialTrust)
        where T : MarshalByRefObject
        // With help from http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163701.aspx
        AppDomainSetup setup = new AppDomainSetup();
        setup.ApplicationBase = baseFolder;

        AppDomain newDomain;
        if (partialTrust) {
            var permSet = new PermissionSet(PermissionState.None);
            permSet.AddPermission(new SecurityPermission(SecurityPermissionFlag.Execution));
            permSet.AddPermission(new UIPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted));
            newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(appDomainName, null, setup, permSet);
        } else {
            newDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(appDomainName, null, setup);
        return (T)Activator.CreateInstanceFrom(newDomain, 
            typeof(T).FullName, false,
            0, null, constructorArgs, null, null).Unwrap();


10-17 01:35