

我正在为我正在从事的项目寻找各种 NLP 工具,现在我发现斯坦福 NLP 项目最有用.

I'm looking for various NLP tools for a project I'm working on and right now I've found most useful the Stanford NLP projects.


Does anyone know if there are other tools that are out there that would be useful for a language understander?


And more importantly, are there tools that are NOT out there?

最具体地说,我正在寻找用于形态音素分析等的 api.

Most specifically, I'm looking for an api for morphophoneme analysis etc.

我是一名学者(从事研究项目的学生),主要寻找开源项目,或者至少是开放 api 项目.

I am an academic (a student working on a research project) and am mainly looking for open source or, at least, open api projects.



I suggest you take a look at the following:

  1. 常用的 nlp 库,例如 Open NLPLingPipeNLTK, UIMA.所有这些都提供了解析器和词干分析器(即它们不会返回词根,而是词干).有些还提供词形还原法.
  2. 收集 NLP 工具的网站.这些只是其中的几个:计算语言学协会的 wiki语言技术世界编译部门的网站.在海德堡大学
  1. the ususal nlp libraries like Open NLP, LingPipe, NLTK, Gate, UIMA. All of these provide parsers and word stemmers (i.e. they don't give you back the root of a word, but its stem). Some also provide lemmatizers.
  2. websites which collect NLP tools. These are but a few of them: the wiki of the Association of Computational Linguistics, Language Technology World, the website of the compling dep. at Heidelberg University

我不知道返回词根的工具,但是,正如我所说,有词干分析器和词形还原器.对于词形还原,请尝试 Tree TaggerMorpha.形态音素分析是一个不够具体的术语,无法满足您的需求.

I'm not aware of a tool which returns the root of a word, but, as I said, there are stemmers and lemmatizers. For lemmatization, try Tree Tagger or Morpha. Morphophonemic analysis is a term not specific enough to get you what you want.

一旦您更具体地知道您需要什么,您就可以搜索Corpora List 或在那里发布问题.

Once you know more specifically what you need, you could search the archives of the Corpora List or post a question there.


10-13 21:59