

经过多次试验,我发现根本无法使用 multinode 模块.由于 multinode 依赖于 entity-store 模块,反之亦然.因此,将 multinode 模块包含在实体商店的Gradle配置中会导致循环依赖.

After quite some trials, I find that it is not possible to use the multinode module at all. Since the multinode depends on entity-store module and vice versa.Thus including the multinode module into Gradle config of entity-store causes circular dependency.

无论如何,我仍在尝试一些技巧.从本质上讲,我发现的主要问题是S3BlobVault的创建,因为很容易从Xodus项目外部(重新)创建S3DataReaderWriterProvider,所以主要的问题是S3BlobVault,它需要,这意味着(S3BlobVault)需要在PersistentEntityStoreImpl 之内/之内实例化,由于循环依赖问题,这是不可能的.

Anyhow, I am still trying some hacks. Essentially the major issue I find is the creation of the S3BlobVault, since it is easy to (re)create the S3DataReaderWriterProvider from outside the Xodus project, the major issue is the S3BlobVault which needs an instance of the PersistentEntityStoreImpl which means it(the S3BlobVault) needs to be instantiated within/inside the PersistentEntityStoreImpl which is quite not possible due to circular dependency issue.


At the very least I did modify the PersistentEntityStoreImpl and added:

public void setBlobVault(BlobVault blobVault) {
    this.blobVault = blobVault;


Then in my code(app), I added

final PersistentEntityStoreImpl store = PersistentEntityStores.newInstance(environment);
S3BlobVault s3BlobVault = createS3BlobVault(store, environment.getLocation());


  private S3BlobVault createS3BlobVault(PersistentEntityStoreImpl store, String location) {
    try {
      S3AsyncClient s3 = S3AsyncClient.builder()
              .credentialsProvider(StaticCredentialsProvider.create(AwsBasicCredentials.create("", "")))
              .endpointOverride(new URI("https://s3.wasabisys.com"))
      S3BlobVault blobVault = null;
// Can't use code below (outside of package)

//      try {
//        final PersistentSequenceBlobHandleGenerator.PersistentSequenceGetter persistentSequenceGetter =
//                new PersistentSequenceBlobHandleGenerator.PersistentSequenceGetter() {
//                  @Override
//                  public PersistentSequence get() {
//                    return getSequence(getAndCheckCurrentTransaction(), BLOB_HANDLES_SEQUENCE);
//                  }
//                };
//        blobVault = new S3BlobVault(store,
//                new PersistentSequenceBlobHandleGenerator(persistentSequenceGetter), s3, "xodus", location, ".blobs", null);
//      } catch (UnexpectedBlobVaultVersionException e) {
//        blobVault = null;
//      }
      if(blobVault == null) {
        blobVault = new S3BlobVault(store,
                BlobHandleGenerator.IMMUTABLE, s3, "xodus", location, ".blobs", null);
      return blobVault;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw ExodusException.toExodusException(e);


Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: s3:xodus\blobs\version (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.open(FileOutputStream.java:270)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:213)
at java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(FileOutputStream.java:162)
at jetbrains.exodus.entitystore.FileSystemBlobVaultOld.<init>(FileSystemBlobVaultOld.java:106)
at jetbrains.exodus.entitystore.FileSystemBlobVaultOld.<init>(FileSystemBlobVaultOld.java:71)
at jetbrains.exodus.entitystore.PersistentEntityStoreImpl.createDefaultFSBlobVault(PersistentEntityStoreImpl.java:424)
... 95 more



In your project, you can add dependency on the multinode jar and create PersitentEntityStore in such a way:

final S3BlobVault blobVault = createBlobVault(...);
final Environment env = Environments.newInstance("location");
final PersistentEntityStoreImpl store = PersistentEntityStores.newInstance(PersistentEntityStoreConfig.DEFAULT, env, blobVault, "entityStore name");


Probably, this would work. At least, if you pass the blob vault for creation of PersistentEntityStore then you wouldn't require the circular dependency you mentioned.Dependency on the multinode module is enough to use functionality of the entity-store module.


Though, I have to emphasize that any functionality in the multinode module is incomplete, not announced, not documented, and is a subject to change. It may be removed completely in future versions.


07-08 03:04