本文介绍了Android - 更改实时应用程序的包名称的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个名为Moodlytics"的应用程序已经在 Google Play 上线.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=AnantApps.Moodlytics&hl=en目前它的包名称是AnantApps.Moodlytics".(我知道使用大写字母作为包名不是一个好习惯)

I have one application which is already live on google play named 'Moodlytics'.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=AnantApps.Moodlytics&hl=enCurrently its package name is 'AnantApps.Moodlytics'.(I know its not good practice to use capital letters for package name)


Now I am going to give an update to my application.


So my question is : Can I use 'anantApps.moodlytics' (all with small letters) as package name instead of the original one? Will current live application will be affected by this or not?


不,你不能,看这里:http://android-developers.blogspot.nl/2011/06/things-that-c​​annot-change.html因为包名是你包的唯一名称,android 无法确定它是否属于你的旧包名.所以它就像对待另一个应用程序一样对待它.

No you can't, look here: http://android-developers.blogspot.nl/2011/06/things-that-cannot-change.htmlBecause the package name is an unique name of you package and android cannot determine if it belongs to your older package name. And so it treats it like if it were another app.

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09-12 18:27