


When using HttpUtility from System.Web, I find that everytime I call the method .ParseQueryString I am having special characters encode to their unicode equivalent representations. I have tried with many different encoding types, and all seem to produce the same result. An example of my code is here:

string text = "ich möchte diese Bild für andere freigeben"
var urlBuilder = new UriBuilder(url);
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(urlBuilder.Query, Encoding.UTF8);
query["text"] = text;    
urlBuilder.Query = query.ToString();
string finalUrl = urlBuilder.ToString();

而在 finalUrl ,我将字符串从这个收到将是:

And the string in finalUrl that I would recieve from this would be:

文本= ICH + M%u00f6chte + diese +画报+ F%u00fcr + ANDERE + freigeben

我已经尝试使用 Encoding.UTF8 Encoding.ASCII> Encoding.Default ,他们都产生相同的结果。我能做些什么来达到我想要的URL编码的格式为:

I have tried using Encoding.UTF8,Encoding.ASCII and Encoding.Default and they all produce the same result. What can I do to reach my desired format of UrlEncoding:

文本= ICH%20米%C3%B6chte%20diese%20Bild%20F% C3%BCR%20andere%20freigeben


As always, Thanks in advance for the help/advice!



urlBuilder.Query = query.ToString();

HttpUtility.ParseQueryString 返回的NameValueCollection 但实际上是被称为内部类 HttpValueCollection 。此类具有的ToString()方法的重写。它产生一个编码的查询字符串,但它的URL编码,它使用 HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode (tinyurl.com/HttpValue)。这导致了%uXXXX值。

HttpUtility.ParseQueryString returns a NameValueCollection but is actually an internal class called HttpValueCollection. This class has an override of the ToString() method. It generates an encoded query string but for its URL encoding it uses HttpUtility.UrlEncodeUnicode (tinyurl.com/HttpValue). This results in the %uXXXX values.

如果你需要一个不同类型的URL编码的,你可能要避免 HttpUtility.ParseQueryString 或的ToString()事后对其进行编码:

If you need a different type of URL encoding you might want to avoid HttpUtility.ParseQueryString or decode the result of ToString() and encode it afterwards:

urlBuilder.Query = Uri.EscapeUriString(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(query.ToString()));


10-13 16:02