


I'm using rabbitMQ, I take every message from queue with basic_get without automatically acking procedure, which means the message remain in queue until I ack or nack the message.


Sometimes I've messages that can't be processed because of some exception thrown, which prevented them from being fully processed.

问题是,如果我都成功确认消息并抛出异常,那有什么关系,我的意思是,结果消息将始终脱离队列,因此,在这种情况下,如果我使用ack或nack怎么办? ?也许我错过了每次使用手术时的一些东西?

Question is what does it matter if I both ack the messages in success and exception thrown, I mean in terms of result messages will always get out of the queue, so what does it matter if I use ack or nack in this scenario?Maybe I miss something about when using each opration?


basic.nack 命令显然是RabbitMQ扩展,扩展了 basic.reject 包含批量处理模式.两者都包含requeue的位"(即布尔值)标志,因此您实际上有多种选择:

The basic.nack command is apparently a RabbitMQ extension, which extends the functionality of basic.reject to include a bulk processing mode. Both include a "bit" (i.e. boolean) flag of requeue, so you actually have several choices:

  • nack/rejectrequeue=1:消息将被返回到它来自的队列,就好像它是一条新消息一样;如果消费者方面暂时出现故障,这可能会很有用
  • nack/rejectrequeue=0和已配置的死信交换(DLX),会将消息发布到该交换,从而允许它被另一个队列接收
  • nack/rejectrequeue=0,没有DLX会简单地丢弃该消息
  • 即使已配置DLX,
  • ack也会从队列中删除消息
  • nack/reject with requeue=1: the message will be returned to the queue it came from as though it were a new message; this might be useful in case of a temporary failure on the consumer side
  • nack/reject with requeue=0 and a configured Dead Letter Exchange (DLX), will publish the message to that exchange, allowing it to be picked up by another queue
  • nack/reject with requeue=0 and no DLX will simply discard the message
  • ack will remove the message from the queue even if a DLX is configured


If you have no DLX configured, always using ack will be the same as nack/reject with requeue=0; however, using the logically correct function from the start will give you more flexibility to configure things differently later.


09-03 08:55