

我正在Mac OS 10.12上使用pandoc v.18,通过一个简单的命令行将此markdown文件转换为pdf:

I am using pandoc v. 1.18 on Mac OS 10.12 to transform this markdown file to a pdf, using a simple command line:

# A list that does not work
- one
- two
- three


! Undefined control sequence.
l.53 \tightlist

pandoc: Error producing PDF



\tightlist在pandoc 1.14中引入(请参见此提交).导致此错误的最可能原因是您使用的是以前版本的模板,而没有使用更新它.可以通过在乳胶模板中添加几行来解决此问题.对于常规乳胶,可以在$DATA-DIR/templates/default.latex中找到,对于投影机,可以在$DATA-DIR/templates/default.beamer中找到它们.您需要添加这两行(在\begin{document}之前):

\tightlist was introduced with pandoc 1.14 (see this commit). The most probable cause for this error is that you are using a template from a previous version and did not update it. This can be fixed by adding a couple of lines to your latex template. They can be found at $DATA-DIR/templates/default.latex for regular latex and $DATA-DIR/templates/default.beamer for beamer. You'll need to add those two lines (before the \begin{document}):


为确保以后的模板版本不再发生这种情况,最好分叉 pandoc模板存储库.

To make sure this does not happen again with future evolution of the templates, it might be a good idea to fork the pandoc-templates repository.


07-25 06:16