

我目前有几个Ruby on Rails应用程序,我通过媒体查询使用响应式网页设计。我使用以下CSS代码将宽度覆盖到100%。

 #twitter-widget-0,#twitter-widget-1 {





UPDATED 7/16/2015 1100 GMT-5


我在 application.html.erb 中添加了以下行以更正$的ReferenceError。我虽然jquery-rails gem会识别我的代码。

 < script src =// ajax.googleapis.com/ ajax / libs / jquery / 2.0.0 / jquery.min.js>< / script> 



 < iframe id =twitter-widget-0scrolling =noframeborder =0allowtransparency =trueclass =twitter-timeline twitter -timeline-renderedallowfullscreen =style =border:none; max-width:100%; min-width:180px; margin:0px; padding:0px; display:inline-block; position:static; visibility:visible ; width:520px; title =Twitter Timelineheight =400> 
< / iframe>



如果您有多个Twitter Feed,请使用:

<$> p $ p> $(document).ready(function(){
twitterCheck = setInterval(function(){
if($('iframe [id ^ =twitter- (){
$(this).contents())。 .find(。timeline)。attr(style,max-width:100%!important;);
$(this).attr(style,max-width:100% !important; width:100%!important;);


或者如果您有一个,您可以将 .each()并使用:

twitterCheck = setInterval(function(){
var twitterFrame = $(#twitter-widget-0);
twitterFrame.contents ().find(。timeline)。attr(style,max-width:100%!important;);



twitterCheck = setInterval(function(){
var twitterFrame = $(#twitter-widget-0);
var twitterTimeline = twitterFrame.contents()。find(。timeline );
if(twitterFrame.length& twitterTimeline.length){
twitterFrame .attr(style,max-width:100%!important; width:100%!important;);

I currently have several Ruby on Rails applications where I use responsive web design via media queries. I used the following CSS code that overrode the width to 100%.

#twitter-widget-0, #twitter-widget-1 {

  float: none;
  width: 100% !important;
  font-size: 12px;


However I noticed in July 2015 that the Twitter widgets no longer display at 100% but a fixed size. I checked the developer website of Twitter and saw that the customization of Twitter widgets has been expanded. When I inspect the widget I see the CSS parameters that I have in my CSS but I also see a width set to 520px.


Looking at this link I know I can code the parameters right in the code with a fixed width. Not knowing the size of the screens that anyone may use to display my web applications I'm reluctant to set a fixed size anywhere. Another issue is that will not change it in my media queries.

The only link that I have found about customizing the current Twitter widget is the one below. Most of them are from 2011-2013.

Twitter embedded timeline 100% width

The question is asked by someone using the Twitter widget in Wordpress. The solution used jQuery. I am not adept enough in Javascript to implement a Javascript or jQuery solution so I do not know if it would work for me.

UPDATED 7/16/2015 1100 GMT-5

I decided to do another search this morning and found this link with three recent jQuery solutions that the people said they got to work.

I added the following line in application.html.erb to correct a ReferenceError for $. I though the jquery-rails gem would recognize my code.

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js"></script>

I have created a fiddle. When I clicked JSHint and it said that my code was perfectly valid. The widget appears with a width of 552px. I'm not sure if the problem is where I have the code. I need help to determine why my jQuery code is not accomplishing my goal.

Here is the iframe statement when I inspect the Twitter widget:

<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" class="twitter-timeline twitter-timeline-rendered" allowfullscreen="" style="border: none; max-width: 100%; min-width: 180px; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; position: static; visibility: visible; width: 520px;" title="Twitter Timeline" height="400">
.......widget statements.............

Based off of Kris's answer. This has an interval that checks to see if the iframe is available to manipulate. If so it fires the code and then clears the interval.

If you have multiple Twitter feeds use this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    twitterCheck = setInterval(function() {
        if($('iframe[id^="twitter-widget-"]').length) {
            $('iframe[id^="twitter-widget-"]').each(function () {
                $(this).contents().find(".timeline").attr("style","max-width:100% !important;");
                $(this).attr("style","max-width:100% !important; width: 100% !important;");
    }, 1000);

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/v7xom6ms/20/

Or if you have one you can drop the .each() and use this:

$(document).ready(function() {
    twitterCheck = setInterval(function() {
        var twitterFrame = $("#twitter-widget-0");
        if(twitterFrame.length) {
            twitterFrame.contents().find(".timeline").attr("style","max-width:100% !important;");
            twitterFrame.attr("style","max-width:100% !important; width: 100% !important;");
    }, 1000);

JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/v7xom6ms/21/

Edit: One could argue that the above code is prone to fail as well since the iframe is loaded but you can't confirm the content loaded. Easy fix. This also allows us to lower the interval for a less obvious resize transition.

$(document).ready(function() {
    twitterCheck = setInterval(function() {
        var twitterFrame = $("#twitter-widget-0");
        var twitterTimeline = twitterFrame.contents().find(".timeline");
        if(twitterFrame.length && twitterTimeline.length) {
            twitterTimeline.attr("style","max-width:100% !important;");
            twitterFrame.attr("style","max-width:100% !important; width: 100% !important;");
    }, 10);



08-27 22:06