第二个想法是,我可以通过创建Bean ApplicationContextAware来获得拉丁会话工厂,并将其设置为dao但是这是一个好方法?我该如何处理TransactionManager?
感谢您的帮助。我真正需要的是一个'AbstractRoutingDataSource' - 我通过执行以下操作来解决这个问题:
< bean id =dataSourceclass = com.myPackage.CustomRoutingDataSource >
< property name =targetDataSources>
< map key-type =com.myPackage.DBLocaleEnum>
< entry key =Englishvalue-ref =defaultDataSource/>
< entry key =Spanishvalue-ref =latinDataSource/>
< / map>
< / property>
< property name =defaultTargetDataSourceref =defaultDataSource/>
< / bean>
public class CustomRoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
$ b @Override
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey(){
DBLocaleEnum localeType = LocaleContextHolder.getLocaleType() ;
I have a peculiar issue here in the Spring-GWT application we are building. We have an oracle DB encoded in WE8ISO8859P1 character set which doesn't support UTF-8 . Hence we are building a new DB in AL32UTF8 char set . Unfortunately the DBAs do not want to migrate the existing DB to the new DB and we have to reach the old DB for the English data and the new DB for the Latin data .
We have @Transactional annotations at method/class level and the sessionFactory is injected into the DAO to connect to hibernate. I want to reuse these when user selects latin something like
i.e, the TransactionManager and SessionFactory injected should change dynamically via an Ajax call when the user switches between Latin/English.
Can this be done? What is is the best approach to resolve this ?
On second thought, I could get the Latin session factory by making the bean ApplicationContextAware and set this in the dao but but is this a good approach ? and what do I do with the TransactionManager ?
Thanks for all your help. What I really needed was an 'AbstractRoutingDataSource' - I fixed this by doing the following
<bean id="dataSource" class="com.myPackage.CustomRoutingDataSource">
<property name="targetDataSources">
<map key-type="com.myPackage.DBLocaleEnum">
<entry key="English" value-ref="defaultDataSource"/>
<entry key="Spanish" value-ref="latinDataSource"/>
<property name="defaultTargetDataSource" ref="defaultDataSource"/>
public class CustomRoutingDataSource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {
protected Object determineCurrentLookupKey() {
DBLocaleEnum localeType = LocaleContextHolder.getLocaleType();
return localeType;
The return type of determineCurrentLookupKey method helps me determine which datasource I should be using .
这篇关于动态更改会话工厂和Txm Manager以支持I18N的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!