


I'm building an app where the users can write into my db and ask questions to other users, like a doctor app. Where the doctors can answer the questions.


I wanna order the questions by date, where I would like to order the questions by newest, and also the most popular.


I try to order the newest by the following:

        .orderBy("date", descending: true) // 1 will be last, 31 will be latest


But that seem not to work. So I wonder how I could order the data correctly from my query from firebase. Or do I have to store the date as a long in the firebase and then convert it maybe?


Also, I would like to order the most popular questions, based on how many users have watched that particular questions by:



But neither does this do the ordering correctly.

我从传奇人物弗兰克·冯·帕芬(Frank von Puffen)那里看到了一篇很棒的文章,但我并不十分了解,所以我想知道是否有人可以帮助我解决这个问题.

I saw a great post from the legendery Frank von Puffen but I didn't really understand that, so I wonder if somebody could help me out on this.





date: "29 September 2019"


由于您的 date 属性的类型为String,因此无法使用.在对字符串进行排序时,请记住按字典顺序.

It won't work since your date property is of type String. When ordering strings, remember that the strings are ordered lexicographically.

要解决此问题,您应该将属性的类型更改为 Date .在这种情况下,您将获得按时间顺序排列的顺序.

To solve this, you should change the type of you property to be a Date. In this case you'll get a chronological order.

这是一种用于订购元素的解决方案,用于实时数据库,而不是用于Cloud Firestore.

That's a solution for ordering elements is for realtime database and not for Cloud Firestore.

在那种情况下, station 属性将整数保存为字符串值,实际上这是同一回事.在这种情况下,解决方案是将属性的类型更改为number或填充数字,以便它们都具有相同的长度,但是在您的情况下,属性的类型应明确地定义为 Date 不是字符串.

In that case, the station property was holding integers as string values, which in fact is the same thing. In that case, the solution was to change the type of the property to number or to pad the numbers so they all have the same length but in your case, the type of your property should definetely be Date and not a String.


09-11 13:11