

我使用NetSuite和有喜欢的员工,物品等,我想访问一些记录/表格。我已阅读有关使用SuiteScript摆脱NetSuite的数据,并创建了NetSuite的新模块。我想知道我可以在NetSuite的访问记录,从现有的数据?比如我想获得的所有员工,项目或其他记录类型的列表。我无法理解如何去获取这些信息。我已经提供了一些API NetSuite的记录,字段和放大器;形式。请帮我为我在NetSuite的初学者。

I am using NetSuite and there are some records/forms like employees, items etc. that I would like to access. I have read about using SuiteScript to get the data from NetSuite and for creating new modules in the NetSuite. I want to know how can I access existing data from records in NetSuite? For example I would like to get the list of all employees, items or other record types. I am not able to understand how to go about accessing this information. I've been provided some of the NetSuite API Records, Fields & Forms. Please help me as I'm a beginner in NetSuite.


这是在.NET中使用NetSuite的网络服务在这里我加载机会记录的例子。装载员工或其他记录的过程是一样的。一旦你的基本工作阅读 NetSuite的记录的浏览器在NetSuite的帮助文档。

Here is an example of using NetSuite web services in .NET where I load an Opportunity record. The process of loading Employees or other records would be the same. Once you get the basics working read the NetSuite Records Browser document in the NetSuite help.

// create objects for netsuite login
NetSuiteService netsuite = new NetSuiteService();
CookieContainer cookie = new CookieContainer();
Passport passport = new Passport();
RecordRef role = new RecordRef();

// hard code for administrator role 3
role.externalId = "3";

// latest NetSuite web services url
netsuite.Url = "https://webservices.sandbox.netsuite.com/services/NetSuitePort_2015_1";
netsuite.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
passport.account = "6669990";
passport.email = "[email protected]";
passport.password = "P@SSW0RD!";
passport.role = role;

System.Console.WriteLine("\nLogging into NetSuite ... ");
System.Console.WriteLine("\nUsername: " + passport.email);
System.Console.WriteLine("\nAccount: " + passport.account);

// try loggin into web services
Status status = netsuite.login(passport).status;

if (status.isSuccess)
    // read opportunity record id 2236873
    Opportunity oppty = NSFunc.getOpportunity(netsuite,"2236873");
    System.Console.WriteLine("\nNetSuite Login: " + status.isSuccess.ToString());
    System.Console.WriteLine("\nNetSuite Login: " + status.isSuccess.ToString());

使用,而不是比你的Web服务的NetSuite SuiteScript


Access data using NetSuite SuiteScript instead of web services than you can write SuiteScript (JavaScript) files, save them with (.js) file extension and upload them to the NetSuite File Cabinet.


Your JavaScript (aka SuiteScript) file will contain regular JavaScript and will use the API Functions that you talk about. There are example SuiteScripts in the NetSuite Online Help, here is one for customizing the page load of a record.


Once you upload to file cabinet you can create a NetSuite Script record and define how the script will be used, for example the file name, which function should be used, which event on a form should cause your JavaScript function to fire (e.g. Before Save, After Save). Last you deploy your script to "Testing" and you can test/debug it. There is a lot more to it but this should get you on the right track. The website NetSuiteGo has information about NetSuite SuiteScript it helped me get started.



09-15 18:41