本文介绍了没有开发人员模式/开发人员许可证,无法旁载Win10 UWP应用程序的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧! 问题描述 29岁程序员,3月因学历无情被辞! 我正在开发要在多台PC上安装的业务线应用程序,但是我无法使Sideload成功完成。I'm developing a Line of Business application to be installed on multiple PC's, but I cannot get the Sideload to finish successfully.我从 Add-AppDevPackage 脚本收到以下错误:I receive the following error from the Add-AppDevPackage script:如果设置了开发者模式,问题消失了。但这不是应用程序软件部署的选项。If I set Developer Mode, my problems go away. But... That is not an option for the app's software deployment.我的设置:Visual Studio 2017,开发机上的Win10 v。1903,Win10 v。1809在目标计算机上My setup: Visual Studio 2017, Win10 v. 1903 on the Development machine, Win10 v. 1809 on the Target machines根据Microsoft的文档: https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-CN/windows/application-management/sideload-apps-in-windows-10Per Microsoft's documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/application-management/sideload-apps-in-windows-10 设置目标计算机的侧负荷 通过Visual Studio创建测试证书 将测试证书添加到Visual Studio中的Package应用程序清单中 在发行版中编译UWP应用程序 将测试证书手动安装到目标计算机的受信任根证书颁发机构文件夹 在目标计算机上运行Add-AppDevPackage脚本Set the Target machine for SideloadCreated the test cert via Visual StudioAdded the test cert to Package app manifest in Visual StudioCompiled the UWP app in ReleaseManually installed the Test Cert to the Target machine's Trusted Root Certification Authorities folderRan the Add-AppDevPackage script on the Target machine这没有帮助: 在没有开发人员模式的情况下安装开发的应用程序我对在Microsoft上安装软件没有兴趣此处概述的企业商店: 安装不带开发人员模式的UWP和I have no interest in putting software on the Microsoft Store for Business as outlined here:Install UWP without developer-mode and sideloading这说我还需要另一个应用程序??? (AppInstaller)使侧面加载工作:如何使用可以侧面加载的证书创建UWP应用This says I need yet another app??? (AppInstaller) to make sideloading work: How to created a UWP app with a certificate that can be sideloaded我可以修改Powershell脚本以消除开发人员许可检查,但似乎我不必强行加重负担。I could modify the Powershell script to eliminate the Developer License check, but it seems like I shouldn't have to brute force the sideload.这里的答案是破解我前面提到的Poweshell脚本,但没有解释为什么开发者检查首先出现在其中: UWP的 Add-DevAppPackage Powershell脚本检查开发者许可证。The answer here is to hack the Poweshell script as I mentioned earlier, but does not explain why the Developer Check is out there in the first place:UWP's 'Add-DevAppPackage' Powershell script checks for a developer licence. This is an issue for Sideloading?推荐答案不是必须这样做才能编写应为 turn key,但这允许在没有开发人员许可检查错误的情况下进行侧面加载,并且安装失败。Not a fan of having to do this to code that should be "turn key", but this allows sideloading without the Developer License check error and install fail.修改Add-AppDevPackage.ps1:Modify Add-AppDevPackage.ps1:## Checks whether the machine is missing a valid developer license.#function CheckIfNeedDeveloperLicense{ $Result = $true try { $Result = (Get-WindowsDeveloperLicense | Where-Object { $_.IsValid } | Measure-Object).Count -eq 0 } catch {} return $false #$Result} 这篇关于没有开发人员模式/开发人员许可证,无法旁载Win10 UWP应用程序的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!
08-23 19:07