


C ++标准说明如下关于等于运算符 ==






  • 我在正确的轨道上:函数指针必须比较 iff 他们都指向同一个函数(地址被诅咒),或

  • 函数指针必须比较等于 iff ,它们都指向同一个函数,或者两者都表示相同的地址;




  1. 两者皆为空。


$ b


此外,应注意成员指针在传统意义上没有地址。他们有一个值,但它不是一个内存地址。这就是为什么你不允许把它们转换为 void * 等等。

函数指针 t u ,如果 t == u t(...); 将导致与 u(...); 相同的行为。该行为将引用NULL,调用相同的函数,或在相同的地址执行代码。因此,也有同样的行为。


The C++ standard says the following about the equality operator ==:

My initial interpretation was that functions don't semantically have "addresses" per se at this level, and that therefore the "or both represent the same address" could only be intended to refer to objects, and not functions. Otherwise why bother with the "point to the same function" clause?

That is, two function pointers of the same type compare equal if and only if both point to the same function, period.

The consequence of this would be that the behaviour witnessed in this question (pointers to two distinct but identical functions have identical values) would be an implementation bug, since pointers to distinct functions would be required to be unique.

I feel that this is the intent of the clause, but I can't find a way to objectively defend the viewpoint that this is how the passage's meaning should actually be inferred, or that it really was the intent of the committee, and now my interpretation has come into question:

So my question is about the intent of this standard passage.


  • I am on the right track: function pointers must compare equal iff they both point to the same function ("addresses" be damned), or

  • There is a redundancy in the passage: function pointers must compare equal iff they both point to the same function or both represent the same address; and, by extension, an implementation is allowed to make two functions exist at the same address.

Which is it?


Well, look at the statement logically. You have three clauses:

  1. Both are null.

  2. Both point to the same function.

  3. Both have the same address.

These clauses are joined by a logical "or". Therefore, if any one of these is true, then the two pointers are allowed to compare equal. If a compiler so decides, it is possible to fail #3 yet still pass #2. Logical "or" means that such pointers would compare equal.

Also, it should be noted that member pointers do not have an "address" in the traditional sense. They do have a value, but it's not a memory address. That's why you're not allowed to cast them to void* and so forth.

The passage guarantees, given function pointers t and u, if t == u, that t(...); shall cause the same behavior as u(...);. That behavior will either be referencing NULL, calling the same function, or executing the code at the same address. Thus, the same behavior is had.

Technically, Mehrdad's problem is that he's getting the same value from two different member function names. So #3 applies. I don't see anything in the standard that requires that different member function names return distinct values when getting functions for them.



09-06 10:04