

我刚刚发现自己无助的时候,我改变了广告类型从横幅我的应用程序。但我用同样的广告横幅 ID AdMob提供的。虽然是间质出现就好了,我的eCPM是相当低的....

i just found out myself helpless when i changed the ad type in my app from banner to interstitial. But i used the same ad-banner id from admob. though the interstitial are appearing just fine, my ecpm is quite low....


i tried to edit admob adunit type from banner to interstitial for my app but it is disabled under my app setting tab.

所以我一定要创建一个新的的AdUnit ID 我的应用程序和发布新版本我的申请在应用程序商店与更新的广告单元ID?

so do i have to create a new adunit id for my app and post the new version of my application in the App Store with updated ad unit id?


简短的回答 - 是的,

Short answer - yes.


You need separate AdunitIds for banner and interstitial. They pull from different pools of available advertising.

他们也$客户端上psented不同p $。您需要使用不同的API,以present间隙比横幅。请参见 https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/文档/ AdMob的/高级

They are also presented differently on the client. You need to use different APIs to present interstitials than banners. See https://developers.google.com/mobile-ads-sdk/docs/admob/advanced


07-07 07:40