本文介绍了JDBC executeQuery()返回ResultSet和输出参数的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在调用一个带有很少out参数的sp,根据我的要求,我需要在某些条件下使用ResultSet,而在其他条件下使用out参数.但是,使用executeQuery()时,我会得到JZ0R0:ResultSet已关闭错误.(我正在使用Sybase 15)

I am calling one sp with few out params and as per my requirement,I need to use ResultSet on some condition and out params on other conditions. But using executeQuery(), I am getting, JZ0R0: ResultSet has already been closed error.(I am using Sybase 15)


Connection conn = ~~;
CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{call my_sp(?)");
ResultSet rs = cstmt.executeQuery();


If i try to do, below code now,

int res = cstmt.getInt(1);


Then try to iterate the ResultSet object, as below, then I get above ResultSet close error.

ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();


Is there any way I can get the output param value and then iterate on ResultSet object or vice-versa?



According to the JDBC spec you must retrieve the result set before output parameters



7.1.7 Retrieve OUT Parameters after Results


Because of limitations imposed by some DBMSs, it is recommended that for maximum portability, all of the results in a ResultSet object generated by the execution of a CallableStatement object should be retrieved before OUT parameters are retrieved. When all values have been retrieved from a result set, the method ResultSet.next will return false.


If a CallableStatement object returns multiple ResultSet objects (which is possible only if it is executed with a call to the method execute), all of the results should be retrieved before OUT parameters are retrieved. In this case, to be sure that all results have been accessed, the Statement methods getResultSet, getUpdateCount, and getMoreResults need to be called until there are no more results. When all results have been exhausted, the method getMoreResults returns false, and the method getUpdateCount returns -1.

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07-20 18:22