更改UIView的某些属性时,将触发 superview 中的layoutSubviews
When changing some of the properties for UIView it triggers layoutSubviews
in the superview. I can not find any statements about this in the docs.
These properties triggers layout in superview and self
- 框架
- 界线
These properties triggers layout in superview only
- 转换
- layer.transform
These properties triggers layout in self only
- 无人
These properties does not trigger any layout
- 中心
- layer.anchorPoint
- layer.position
- alpha
I find it very confusing that transform is triggering layout and that position and anchorPoint does not.
示例代码: https://github.com/hfossli/LayoutSubviewsInconsistency
- 为什么我会看到这种行为
- 如果这确实前后矛盾,或者我误解了一些核心概念
- 每次更改变换时如何避免对layoutSubviews的超级视图
I can not find anything about this in the docs nor the header files. The problem is significant when using UIDynamics or similar.
Apple answered me via TSI (I personally think this is rubbish):
A view will be flagged for layout whenever the system feels something has changed that requires the view to re-calculate the frames of its subviews. This may occur more often than you'd expect and exactly when the system chooses to flag a view as requiring layout is an implementation detail.
Generally, changing a geometric property of a view (or layer) will trigger a cascade of layout invalidations up the view hierarchy because parent views may have Auto Layout constraints involving the modified child. Note that Auto Layout is active in some form regardless of whether you have explicitly enabled it.
There is no way to bypass this behavior. It's part of UIKit's internal bookkeeping that is required to keep the view hierarchy consistent.
It may be that we are more conservative in this case. Parent views don't need to care about the position of their children except when Auto Layout gets involved. And if Auto layout were involved, you'd need to modify the constraints directly to produce a lasting adjustment in the position anyway.
It is my understanding that a change to the transform only invalidates the layout of the view's immediate parent (unless you have setup constraints to the changed view, then it becomes more complicated). Also, layout invalidations are batched so your parent's layout subview's method should only be called once per transaction (frame). Still, I can understand that this may cause performance issues if your layout logic is complicated.
Wrap your cell contents in an intermediate view. When you modify the transform of this intermediate view, only the cell's layout should be invalidated, so your expensive layout method won't be called.
If that doesn't work, create some mechanism to signal to your expensive layout method when it actually does (or does not) have to do work. This could be a property you set when the only changes you make are to the transforms.