

我有一个通用的 UIViewController,我所有的 UIViewsControllers 都扩展了它以重用一些常见的操作.

I have a common UIViewController that all my UIViewsControllers extend to reuse some common operations.

我想在这个通用"UIViewController 上设置一个segue,以便所有其他UIViewControllers 继承.

I want to set up a segue on this "Common" UIViewController so that all the other UIViewControllers inherit.


I am trying to figure out how do I do that programmatically.

我想问题也可能是我如何为我的所有 UIViewControllers 设置 segue 而无需进入故事板并手动完成.

I guess that the question could also be how do I set a segue for all my UIViewControllers without going into the story board and do them by hand.


根据定义,segue 不能真正独立于故事板而存在.它甚至出现在类的名称中:UIStoryboardSegue.您不会以编程方式创建 segue - 故事板运行时会为您创建它们.您通常可以在视图控制器的代码中调用 performSegueWithIdentifier: ,但这依赖于已经在故事板中设置的 segue 以供参考.

By definition a segue can't really exist independently of a storyboard. It's even there in the name of the class: UIStoryboardSegue. You don't create segues programmatically - it is the storyboard runtime that creates them for you. You can normally call performSegueWithIdentifier: in your view controller's code, but this relies on having a segue already set up in the storyboard to reference.


What I think you are asking though is how you can create a method in your common view controller (base class) that will transition to a new view controller, and will be inherited by all derived classes. You could do this by creating a method like this one to your base class view controller:

- (IBAction)pushMyNewViewController
    MyNewViewController *myNewVC = [[MyNewViewController alloc] init];

    // do any setup you need for myNewVC

    [self presentModalViewController:myNewVC animated:YES];


and then in your derived class, call that method when the appropriate button is clicked or table row is selected or whatever.


08-11 05:48