


两个表都具有端口和秒列,并且JOIN ON j.ports = c.ports和c.sec = j.sec.

Both tables have columns ports and sec, and JOIN ON j.ports = c.ports and c.sec = j.sec.

对于j.port = 'ABC',如果相同端口没有c.sec = j.sec,则加入LEFT(c.sec, 6) = LEFT(j.sec, 6)

For j.port = 'ABC', if there is no c.sec = j.sec for the same ports, then JOIN ON LEFT(c.sec, 6) = LEFT(j.sec, 6)

对于其他j.ports,我只想加入j.ports = c.ports and c.sec = j.sec

For other j.ports, I only want to join ON j.ports = c.ports and c.sec = j.sec




| Port |    sec     |   Other    |
| ABC  | abcdefghij |  ONE       |
| ABC  | klmnop     |  TWO       |
| LMN  | qwertyuiop |  THREE     |
| XYZ  | asdfghjkl  |  FOUR      |


| Port |    sec     |
| ABC  | abcdefxxxx |
| ABC  | klmnop     |
| LMN  | qwertyuiop |
| XYZ  | zxcvbnm    |


| Port |    sec     |  other     |
| ABC  | abcdefghij |  ONE       |  --> mactching on sec's 1st 6 characters 
| ABC  | klmnop     |  TWO       |  --> mactching on sec
| LMN  | qwertyuiop |  THREE     |  --> mactching on sec


一种方法是仅在不太严格的谓词上进行内部联接,然后在c.port = 'ABC'和更严格的条件下使用排名函数丢弃不需要的行匹配了特定的c.port, c.sec组合.

One way would be to just inner join on the less strict predicate then use a ranking function to discard unwanted rows in the event that c.port = 'ABC' and the stricter condition got a match for a particular c.port, c.sec combination.

with cte as
select c.port as cPort, 
       c.sec as cSec, 
       c.other as other,
       j.sec as jSec, 
       RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY c.port, c.sec ORDER BY CASE WHEN c.port = 'ABC' AND j.sec = c.sec THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS rnk
from c inner join  j on left(j.sec,6) = left(c.sec,6)
SELECT cPort, cSec, other, jSec
FROM cte 
WHERE rnk = 1


10-19 14:12